Chapter 13: Raids

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(Normal pov)

Chieftess Astrid watched from the harbor as her warriors enter their war ships, they were going to sack one of Apollyon's store houses that was full of food and supplies. It's location and a descriptive detail of Blackstone defenses was provided by Hiccup.

Speaking of Hiccup, he approached Astrid, though he was draped in his hood. Astrid acknowledges him and the two look out toward the raiding party preparing to leave. "Apollyon is no fool Astrid, she'll want you to try and take that food." Astrid nodded and looked at Hiccup's cloaked face. "That's why you'll be providing us air support." Before Hiccup could speak, Astrid continued.

"Hiccup, you know the Blackstone Legion better than all of us, plus if you provide us with air support, we'll need to ensure none survive and report back to Apollyon." Hiccup sighed and nodded in agreement, Hiccup turned his head to see more warriors approach. He should go now.

"See you on the field of battle Chief." Hiccup said, Astrid smiled lightly and nodded, and watched as he retreated from the harbor.

(At sea)

Fifty Hooligan war ships all armed to the teeth sailed to Apollyon's store house, the winds were on their side, Astrid ordered her warriors to load all catapults, nock all arrows, ballistas and crossbows. She's determined to show these Blackstone cowards Viking fury.

After an hour at sea, the island where the store house came into view and before Astrid bark any orders, five explosions shattered the walls, the Hooligan Chieftess looked up and smiled to see a Night Fury dive bomb and open fire on the enemy.

Astrid barked orders to go ramming speed, and with the winds aid, they touched down on the beach, the Hooligans poured out of their ships and advanced inside the store house, killing any Blackstone in sight and taking all the food that was in sight.

Meanwhile, Hiccup was planting together Zippleback bombs, all around the store house, he tried avoiding the battle beneath him, but he ran into a Blackstone Lawbringer. The heavy knight was about ask him what he was doing here, but Hiccup drew Inferno and cut the massive knights waist clean off, the knight roared in agony and died from heavy blood loss.

Hiccup looked down to see Astrid and her warriors wheeling carts full of grain back to their war ships. This outpost really only had about a dozen guards, but it will certainly grab Apollyon's attention. Hiccup whistled for Toothless, within seconds, the Night Fury landed behind his rider.

::A success, wouldn't you say brother?::

Hiccup nodded and petted Toothless's head. "It's a start. But we'll need to do more to grab Apollyon's full attention. Once we do, I'll have to get to work and help Berk ally itself with the other Viking tribes. Which is easier said than done." Toothless warbled in encouragement and nuzzles Hiccup's side.

::Apollyon took many friends from you brother, it's time she learns not mess with us any more. We strip her of her top warriors, lieutenants, her Stoker alphas and armored dragons. And it's an even playing field::

Hiccup smiled and and replied back. "My thoughts exactly bud."

Over the next week the Hooligans and Hiccup have raided ten Blackstone store houses and burning them down to the ground, sending a clear message to Apollyon that Berk will not go down without a fight. During these raids, Hiccup killed some of Apollyon's best and leaves no survivors to tell the tales.

Ultimately word reached to Apollyon that her store houses were being raided and destroyed. The ferocious warped sat at her throne in the fortress they built in "No Mans Land." There the Blackstone Legion waited for their masters orders, thought to the Legions surprise, Apollyon didn't give an order to attack, she merely laughed and spoke.

"Now that Berk has grown fat from gaining food, the other Viking tribes will take advantage of such a fat bounty and raid them. We don't have to even lift a finger against them."

The Legion wanted the Hooligans to burn for slaying their brothers and sisters, but ultimately obeyed their master. To this news, many Blackstones broke off from Apollyon's ranks to join Hiccup and Mercy. They were right, Apollyon cares not for human life. So now they'd be fighting with their friends and the Vikings to bring down Apollyon and save human lives from being wasted by this "Age of Wolves."

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