Chapter 3: Discovering Samuarai

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(Normal pov)

"So you want me to go in the Samurais home, under the guise of friendship, and wait until you and your Blackstone Legion can rip them apart from the inside?"

Apollyon turned around to face Hiccup and his Night Fury. It had been almost five months now since the boy joined them, and he's proven worthy of being one of them. His will is strong, he's a very quick learner, he helped them train handfuls of dragons from Razorwhips, Armorwings, and handfuls of others, he's forged new weapons for them with a new type of matter, he called it Gronckle Iron. Now she had given him the task to go into the Myre and confront the Samurai.

"Yes, I will have my top assassins kill their emperor and I'll offer the Daimyo to claim their emperors power; the wolves among them will not resist that offer, and then they tear each other apart," Apollyon explained further, "I know not when we'll attack precisely, but it may take some time, so my advice Hiccup? Don't get too attached to anyone there." Hiccup nodded and turned to his dragon. "You ready for this bud?" Toothless warbled and replied.

::As always my brother, ready when you are::

Hiccup strapped his bag around his lean torso and nodded to Apollyon. "Master." She nodded back and the duo shot toward the heavens, heading to the Samurai boarders.

(Days later)

Landing in a forest near a river, Hiccup descended Toothless and stretched his stiff muscles. Riding Toothless for long periods of time was a strenuous process and he was glad he had found this landmass.

"What do you think bud? A nice place to explore huh?" Hiccup asked his companion.

Toothless paused from drinking in the river to look up and nod.

::Yes, I've been craving a good hunt, perhaps there is buck in the forest watching us. I want to feel the adrenaline pulsing through my veins and the thrill of the hunt::

Hiccup smiled and stooped to scoop up some water. Drinking his fill, he stood and waited for his companion. When he finished he looked up to him and gave him a gummy grin. Hiccup smiled back and turned to walk into the forest with his companion close behind.

Hiccup looked at the forest in curiosity; taking in all the different plants and animals that he came by. The temperature was relatively warm causing Hiccup to sweat lightly. Wiping his forehead he was positive they were getting closer to the Samurai. He wondered if this land had dragons. Dragon's didn't seem to be a normal thing from what he saw passing through the other lands.

A roar in the distance grabbed his attention. It sounded far away. It was different but at the same time familiar. Looking to Toothless he smiled.

"That was definitely a dragon, right bud?"

::Yes, it is::

Toothless's body was tense at hearing the dragon's roar in the distance. Looking to Hiccup, he nodded in confirmation that it was definitely another dragon.

Hiccup's smile widened as he got excited at the prospect of seeing new dragons. He listened again to see if he could hear another roar. But what he heard was a shout of terror from a person. Heart racing he leapt on Toothless. If this person was being attacked he had to help. "Alright bud come on," Hiccup shouted to Toothless.

The dragon took off through the forest in the direction of the scream. Seeing the edge of the forest in the distance, Toothless ran faster. Bursting out of the forest edge he opened his wings and took to the air.

Hiccup opened the tailfin automatically to get them airborne. He gasped at what he saw ahead of them. In the distance he saw a small village. In it he saw villager's running around in panic as it was being attacked by dragons. Dragon's circled above the villages and dives down to carry off animal and light houses on fire.

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