Annabeth Chase

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Luke's pov

It had been about 2 years since I had met Thalia on the streets. We'd been great partners, she could be pretty scary. But ever since Thalia turned 11 last year, things have been a little rougher. Lots of monsters have been attacking us. When we fought our first monster together I was relived she could see it too. That I hadn't freaked her out. Actually, she was the one who had seen the hydra. It was rather scary. And not just the hydra. But watching Thalia fight. She had this ferocity to her. The way she fought with any weapon she could. But especially with that weird shield. Now that was terrifying. Her hair she said was in an awkward stage between short and long. But I thought she was beautiful. This morning she had asked for my dagger so she could cut it. It was all choppy and cut up, I told her I could cut it for her but like most things, she had wanted to do it herself. I don't know why she was such a loner. After all our time together she still hadn't told me about her past. But I suppose neither have I shared to her. But from the day I met her, and the way she was sobbing when she fell, I was guessing that it wasn't just the fall that had made her cry that way. That was the only time I had ever seen her cry. Even when that hydra's acid had fallen on her arm, she had screamed, gritted her teeth, and stabbed the hydra right through it's big purple stomach. Thalia had changed a lot since the day that I found her. Not just in appearance, although she had only worn black skinny jeans, black shirts, and the same black leather jacket. She didn't need her silver belt or the spikes on the shoulders of her jacket to look tough or hold her pants up. She was thin, especially after being on the streets for so long. It didn't matter to me, and it shouldn't matter to her, but sometimes she would seem super self conscious for no reason. We had been moving around a lot, especially since we had to steal things quite a bit. I was hesitant to move away from my moms house, where I had stolen the sandwiches that day. But the reason I was on the streets was to get away from her in the first place. Thalia and I didn't even know where we were. It was hot here, Thalia had the sleeves of her jacket rolled up and I had my grey sweatshirt tied around my waist. We were in a field of some sorts and for the first time in weeks, we could see the road. There were a lot of cars zooming by on it. Thalia and I were walking side by side, trying not to step on the mass of crops spread out before it. I looked at Thalia as I head a crunching sound. She was eating a raw carrot right out of the ground. "What? They have plenty." She said trying to not smile at my bewildered expression. Then I smirked back at her and tried to pull a potato out of the ground and ended up falling on my butt. Thalia laughed before helping me up, "This is how you do it Luke." She told me. She took a knee before the potato and proceeded to dig around the potato with her fingers until there was a little moat around it and then pulled it out with only a slight struggle. I knew I was stronger than her in my arms, we had had multiple arm wrestles. But she was strong and pretty smart, meaning she was still stronger than me. She handed the potato to me and we continued on. 

Soon we ended up in a big city. Seeing a few signs we found out that it was San Francisco. I guess catching that train a few days ago really got us somewhere. We proceeded through the city until we reached a small back alley not unlike the one we had met in. We decided to stay there for the night for old time sake. Middle of the night we heard a rustling behind the trash can. Thinking it was a monster, Thalia and I readied our weapons. We flipped up a box ready to strike to find a small girl. She had ratted blonde hair and crazy grey eyes. She was holding in her hand a piece of wood like a club. "Are you monsters? Come to get me? Well, well she won't let you." The girl was breathing heavily, acting bigger and braver than she was. She was very smart, I could tell that much by looking at her. "We aren't monsters. We promise. My name is Luke, and this is Thalia. We're street kids, like you." She eyed us suspiciously. "She told me you would come." She whispered. Thalia seemed freaked out though. "Who's she?" I asked. The little girl shrugged, "She speaks to me. She helps me, when I am in trouble, she gives me wisdom." It was a little freaky, but not that bad compared to my mom. I shuddered remembering her. I took a step towards the little girl. She raised her club. I stopped. "Don't come any closer." She said her little lip quivering. I could tell she'd never killed anything, she just outwitted monsters probably. "I promise I won't hurt you." She looked on the verge of tears, "I promise." I said again. She dropped her club. "You've got guts girl." Thalia said from behind me. "And wits, we could use someone like you on our team." I looked at her along with the girl. "Team?" She asked. "Yeah, yeah we fight the monsters." I answered her. "In fact, joining our team, you could use a real weapon." I took out my celestial bronze knife and handed it to her. She looked up at me with those big grey eyes. 

And within time, team became family. We learned the young girls name was Annabeth. I cared for her like a sister, a daughter. And Thalia, I didn't know what it was I felt for her, but my cheeks always started burning when I was talking to her and my head and heart pounded. She was so beautiful and being with her, the way she took care of Annabeth, and protected us as a family, a team. It made my whole life brighter.

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