Meeting May Castellan

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Luke's pov

I was so worried about Thalia. Sure I got a few scrapes, but nothing broken. I had beaten the cyclops and retrieved Annabeth's knife. I ran through the canopy and onto the side walk. Thalia had passed out right before I had beaten the cyclops. "Luke!" Annabeth called from behind me. I looked back and noticed she was falling further behind. I stopped and waited for her to catch up. I was still carrying Thalia in my arms. I knew what I had to do. Since we had no food or supplies because of that stupid cyclops, I had to return home again. Annabeth reached up and held Thalia's limp hand. We began walking again. "Will she be okay?" Annabeth asked me. I could feel the color in my face drain, imagining if she wouldn't be. Then I reassured myself. She's fine, it's just a broken leg. Then I repeated it aloud back to little Annie. "She's fine, it's just a broken leg, Annie." Annie nodded. Then we continued our journey back to May's house. I wasn't entirely sure how we arrived there, but we did. Then as I knocked, I heard my mother trip over her stuff. "Luke, my baby, is that you?" She cried. I felt slightly guilty leaving her, compared to Thalia's story. Then I realized we didn't even know Annie's story. I shook my head, "Yes, it's me Ma." I called inside. "I have some...friends." I said. May opened the door. And wrapped me in a hug which received a sharp gasp from Thalia as she awoke. "Mom! Mom, you're crushing Thalia." I said, slightly worried. May released me. Then she took one look at Thalia and gasped, "Oh,  I'm so sorry, sweetie, let's get you inside and bandaged up." And she led us inside. There were loads of burnt cookies and molded sandwiches on the counters. "Sorry I didn't get cleaned up yet." She said. She threw away some of the sandwiches and cookies except for new batches. She took one look at Annabeth and decided she loved her. "Aw, what's your name hun?" She asked. "Um, Annabeth." Annie muttered in her adorable little voice. My mom smiled and told her to have some cookies and sandwiches. Then I noticed something strange. It seemed as though someone was upstairs. "Uh, Mom, who's upstairs?" "Oh, it's just your father, Luke." She told me. This was an answer I never got. So I headed upstairs.

Thalia's pov

Luke had gone upstairs to meet his Dad like it was the weirdest thing in the world. Miss Castellan seemed nice enough. Annabeth was just eating some sandwiches and cookies while she bandaged my leg. It still really hurt. Then I heard arguing. It sounded like Luke, and a strangers voice that seemed pained to be arguing with Luke. Then I got the sudden urge to ask May whom Luke's father was. "Miss Castellan, who's Luke's Dad?" I asked. "Oh he's..." She trailed off and dropped the medical tape she had been using on my leg. Her hands shaking. Her eyes turned green and smoking and she looked at me, "Beware. Beware. Pine trees. Cyclops. Lightning." Then she slipped and fell over. Annabeth's eyes brimmed with frightened tears. She dropped her cookie and grasped my arm. Just as may stopped, Luke came fuming down the stairs. He had on a bright orange back pack. He stormed out leaving me and Annabeth to chase after him.

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