Chapter five

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Sigyn woke up with a start. She recalled the shrill sound of the serpent, and the crash of waves. But now there were no waves, no dwarves, and no serpents. Just white crystal like walls, and dazzling rock floors. Sigyn tried to move a strand of hair from her face, but her hands were bound above her head with chains.

Sigyn realized were she was, that last face she'd seen before she completely blanking out.

The sound of a door closing made Sigyn hold her breath. She looked up to see Skadi, the goddess of Jotunheim, skiing, winter, and bow hunting.

"I don't get visitors often." Her voice was strong and commanding. "I don't mind it though. I couldn't care less who comes to my home, but you." The goddess paused, taking an icicle in her hand and crushing it. "Are one trespasser I'll take great pride in killing." She made a hand motion like she was lifting a ball into the air, and snow swirled in from seemingly nowhere and built a sort of chair for the winter goddess.

"I don't know what you mean, why?" Sigyn played dumb.

"Don't play dumb with me Sigyn!" Skadi's voice boomed.

Sigyn winced waiting for the goddess to strike her. But she never felt impact. She looked at the taller goddess.

The goddess's skin was a translucent blue, like she stood in a blizzard for a day straight. Her hair was white in long layers down to her waist with small random braids. Her eyes were pastel blue and her face was thin with high cheekbones. Everything about her was intimidating. From her gaze to her body language.

"I know your presence as well as I know anyone other Asire's."

"I don't wish you trouble." Sigyn bowed her head submissively.

"Do you expect me to release you now?" Skadi crossed her long legs.

Sigyn didn't have an answer for that. She lowered her head further to avoid looking Skadi in the her cold eyes.

"What were you going to Norway for?" Skadi sat back in her chair patiently.

"How did you know I was going to Norway?" Sigyn inquired.

"The dwarf was very helpful." Skadi's lip curled smugly.

Sigyn felt betrayed but she couldn't blame Dodeg, she would tell Skadi anything she wanted to know too.

"I believe that is my burden and my burden alone." Sigyn spat.

Skadi glared sharply at Sigyn. The winter goddess stood up and held up her left hand. Some snow drifted into her hand making an elongated weapon, a spear.

"Don't be so cocky, you are a young, weak, whore." Skadi pushed the end of her spear into the cut on Sigyn's thigh.

Sigyn cried out in pain as the ice weapon burned her open wound.

"What were you doing going to Norway." Skadi hissed.

"Go to Hel." Sigyn spat back.

The spear was pushed further into Sigyn's leg. She cried out with tears brimming her eyes.

"Where you hoping to find Loki there?" Skadi sneered.

Sigyn pushed her chin into her own chest, trying to avoid Skadi's gaze.

"Even if he was there, you have no power to free him. You are lie him in that way." Skadi leaned down to Sigyn's ear and whispered. "You're both such fools."

Sigyn didn't care what happened next. She allowed her body to do as it felt, and the next thing she knew she had kicked Skadi in the face.

Skadi held her already swelling cheek and glared at the lowly, powerless, mortal goddess.

"You wretch."

"You would know nothing of love, nor the lengths one would go to free the ones they love! No matter what obstacle is in the way."

"You love a power hungry megalomaniac!"

"He has done nothing!"

Skadi was so taken aback by Sigyn's that she looked at the mortal goddess with pity, despair, and aw. "By Odin's good eye, he truly has blinded you." The winter goddess's voice was almost a whisper.

"I can see just as well as you, possibly even more. You child killer!" Sigyn shrieked.

"You are deceived by his silver tongue." Skadi walked toward Sigyn. "I see now, you are under a spell, and he won't let you go, let me set you free."

"I'm fine. Go away!" Sigyn's final shout was high pitched, and inhuman.

Skadi had a face of concern as she looked down at Sigyn. She looked to the sky and her lips moved fast in silent prayer. Then she turned and left the room.

Sigyn gasped as tears fell down her cheeks. The pain in her leg was so intense it burned against the cold air.

"I won't let them into my mind, Loki. I'm still coming for you." Sigyn whispered.

Sigyn's Story Book one: Necklace of HarmoniaWhere stories live. Discover now