Chapter three

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The newspaper boy was right about one thing, she definitely smelled the ocean long before she saw it. It reminded her of Njord. Perhaps he would be one of the only gods to not kill her, and for a change help her.

Before Sigyn knew it she was looking out over the New York harbor. She felt closer to her goal. Or maybe something about this place gave her a strange feeling. Yes, this place gave her a strange feeling.

She found out what it was that made her skin crawl, almost as soon as she had started to turn her head.

At the end of a peer Sigyn saw a woman. She had unbelievably long blonde hair, (well not like Sif's) that fell straight over her face and body in thin layers. Her face was, boney, cold, and aged. She had large brown eyes, they seemed to big for their sockets when she looked at Sigyn the way she did. She wore a white medieval dress with draping sleeves, and a loose leather belt that tied in the front and hung down in front of her legs, over the long dress gathered around her feet.

Sigyn couldn't help but think, there's something fascinating about her, She was different from most other Midgardians. This woman's eye seemed to look right through Sigyn.

The goddess couldn't stand the accusatory look the woman gave her. So she blinked.

When Sigyn opened her eyes again the woman was gone but she still felt like she was being watched.

She turned again to find another woman watching her. Strawberry blonde, curly bangs hung over her long, frowning face. The rest of her hair was done up with olive branches. She had bloodshot aquamarine eyes, set rooted within their sockets, watching Sigyn vigorously. She wore a scandalously loose white dress gathered lazily around the waist with the same white material and embroidered on the bottom of the skirt with olive branch leaves.

Sigyn started to remember something about a certain creature in Norse mythology. Then she blinked.

This time a woman stood face to face with Sigyn and stared into her eyes.

"I am Disir, who are you?" The woman's voice was echoing and made of many other voices, all taking turns saying a syllable.

She had black, shoulder-length hair almost fully covering her round, lively face. Her eyes were dark, rich brown and lidded. She wore a dress that was recent in mortal terms but dated for whatever year it was now.

"I see," Sigyn realized. " a spirit of particular people, groups, or locations. often depicted as the spirits of dead female ancestors." Sigyn crossed her arms. "I should have recognized those famous faces. The shield maiden, Helen of Troy, honestly how sloppy of me."

The woman only stared at Sigyn then said. "Who are you?" Her face had no expression.

"Sigyn, wife of Loki, and goddess of fidelity." Sigyn stiffened her shoulders defensively. She blinked though she didn't want to.

The woman was gone. Sigyn turned and saw the another woman with short curled hair coming out from under her old fashioned hat. Light brown eyes and wore a shapeless black coat , also very dated.

She stood in the doorway of a boathouse with pouting dark lips. Singyn approached the strange woman and took a seat on an upside down boat.

"Are you going to try to stop me, like all the other gods?" the goddess crossed her arms.

"I can't stop you. I want you to tell me, what do you remember?" the echoed voice of the Disir sent chills up Sigyn's spine.

"Is there something I've missed?"

Sigyn's Story Book one: Necklace of HarmoniaWhere stories live. Discover now