Part 6 The Team Assembles Reasonably Well

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Part 6 The Team Assembles Reasonably Well

Before I could actually earn everyone's attention, I was interrupted. Celebi had neglected to inform me that she was not done teleporting everyone in, and I was surprised when yet another portal opened up, this time dropping out two Pokemon off to the side of the group, almost landing right on someone's head. I looked over at Taylor for a second, and silently agreed on what to do. I walked over to where they had fallen, and was ready to introduce myself when things got weird.

"No. NononononononoNONONONONONO!" This came from one of the Pokemon, which was bright blue, and had an interesting appearance, resembling a mermaid dog. Its head was buried in its paws, and it continued rambling. "We cannot be doing this again. This is unbelievable. Once was more than enough. ONCE WAS ENOUGH!!"

I knelt down next to him. "Hey, buddy, let's just calm down."

He looked up at me, and with a dead serious look in his deep black eyes, told me, "Man, now is not the damn time."

I kind of recoiled a little, and decided it might be best to let him figure it out. At about this point, the other Pokemon sat up, and looked around, confused. It was like a bunny with brown fur, and small puffs of cream fur sprouting on the ends of its ears, and covering its lower body. It looked down and noticed its own appearance, and seemed startled. " I...a Pokemon?"

Meanwhile, the blue guy was now curled into a fetal position, murmuring, "I'm gonna kill every last legendary Pokemon in existence. I'm gonna kill 'em. I'm gonna kill 'em..."

I looked over at the brown Pokemon. "Do you know him?"

She glanced over at him. "I don't think so. Unless..." She tapped him lightly on the back with a paw. "Jack?"

He slowly turned over, a paw being anxiously chewed in his mouth.

I shook my head. "He's...he's not doing too well." I approached him again. "Listen. I know you're freaked out, but trust me, this'll all-"

"No." He interrupted me, glaring at me with all the anger a rather adorable Pokemon such as himself could muster. "You listen. I already did this whole 'being a Pokemon' bulls***. I don't know if maybe I was supposed to learn some lesson from it, but I like to think I did. I don't believe I deserve to go through this again. Do you know what it's like, man? Getting transformed into something that's not yourself?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Twice."

This seemed to startle him. He turned his head aside as if he were thinking, then lifted it to look at me again. "Whatever. I don't know what you want me to do, but you can be damn sure about one thing: I'm here to get back to normal and get out of this hell. I want no part of this, and you can bet your ass I'm not gonna be some kinda hero if any of you need one."

I drummed my fingers silently a few times. "Alright." He nodded in reply, and turned around.

I stood up and let out a sigh. Taylor approached me. "That went well I thought." She said with a smile.

"Celebi warned me about him. Didn't know who she was referring to, but he was almost definitely one of them."

Taylor rested a hand on my shoulder. "You'll be fine. You always are."

I only nodded returned to the front of the room where I had planned to speak. In order to still my nerves, I quickly started with, "Alright. Barring any further interruptions, I think we should get this started."


Adrian awoke to the sound of himself coughing. Hazy from his unconsciousness, it took him a while to noticed his coughing was spilling blood on the ground, and on a pair of pretty nice pants.

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