Author Note

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Pokemon Max is BACK, baby!

It's been like three weeks tops, but I'm happy. I love this story, (hence this being the 91st chapter in it) and I can't wait to take it even further.

That being said, this part of the story is a little interesting. Initially, I had intended part to be the conclusion of Pokemon Max. I had it all set up, and when you see the ending, you'll see why I was so ready to end it right there.

But I felt we needed one more part. Something to bring it all to a conclusion. Something to take Todd away from the dead center, and pull some other characters in (no, I'm not telling you who. Silly readers).

That however is the next part. This is part four, and there's a lot to this one too. I plan to bring in as many characters from the series as possible here, and I really hope I don't forget any. I'm hoping you all enjoy it!

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