Part 1 The Fun Begins Again

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Part 1 The Fun Begins Again

I sat quietly on top of my roof, thinking. It wasn't something I would have done before, but now it was where I finally felt comfortable.

The wind was quiet this evening, which was a good thing for someone who is currently on a roof. It let me get more distracted in the world I saw and heard around me, rather than the reason I was actually up there.

But, lest I ever forget how garbage my life was, my phone buzzed in my pocket, having been put on silent mode.

I wanted so badly to not answer it. It would have been so easy to just hit ignore. But I looked at the caller ID, and saw a face that just made me smile a little.

I picked up. "Hey."

Clover's voice came through, somehow almost completely the same as when I was talking to her face to face. "Hi, Todd."

"I'm fine, if you're wondering."

"You're on the roof, aren't you?"

"It's not an unhealthy habit."

"It will be if you stay up there tomorrow night. Low is in the 40s."

I chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind."

"We are worried about you, though."

I shrugged and leaned back against the roof. "You have no reason to be."

"It started right after the funeral."

I was frozen, unable to respond. My lips curled the more I tried to form the words.

"It's gonna be fine, Todd. You barely knew the guy."

"I knew him well enough."

"It wasn't your fault. Don't make it. Besides, it'll be kinda hard to celebrate your birthday if you're in a bad mood."

"Come on, it's in four days."

"Just be glad you know your birthday. Missing parents and memory loss, remember?"

I shook my head and laughed under my breath. "I'll try to get over it."

"Good. Don't make me come up there tomorrow night. I still don't have a good jacket."

"You do realize you could have just walked on to the lawn and yelled up at me."

Clover sighed. "Yeah. I'm just jittery about having a cell phone."

I rolled my eyes. "That's on our bill, you know. Try not to use up my minutes."

She laughed and hung up.

I rested against the slanted rooftop, and spread my arms. I looked up at the stars in the sky. Wishing I could make a wish on something. I didn't know what I would wish. But something, anything needed to be different.

"It is my fault. All of it." I whispered aloud.

-Two months earlier-

Taylor threw open the door to the base and sat down quickly, her breath heaving in and out. I chuckled a little watching her as the rest of us came through behind her. 

Clover sat quietly in my new chair (an actual chair, as opposed to the collection of boxes I had previously called my own). She noticed me walking over, and quickly stood up, brushing it off with a hand.

One month since the whole "Digimon" crapfest. It seemed like ages ago. The team was mostly back to functioning as normal, but there were a few things that were different.

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