2❚ A Human World

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Via Lactea. A vast formation of stars formed into a galaxy where thousands of worlds reside within, one of which is the home of the humans. Their small world was a minor speck among thousands of creations.

The hunters of Via Lactea patrolled this tiny section of the galaxy. In the shadows, they protected ordinary mortals from forces they were unable to defend themselves from.

But sometimes, an enemy is too powerful for the hunters. Or young, naïve hunters believe they can tackle headfirst any dark force that comes their way. Once they experienced that revelation that they were not invincible and certainly not the highest rank across the stars, it was too late. They became a consequence to be made an example of. Ahzrael predicted a new example may have been recently made.

He stood firmly upon the grass, still as a statue. Naturally, he reduced his height to better fit the scale of this world. And still, he towered around two feet over every adult human bustling around him. If his god-like, enigmatic appearance were not enough to draw attention, his immense height would be the taker, stealing the show from whatever gripped the humans' attention in the tiny devices most of them held.

Fortunately, he remained concealed from all human eyes. A power possessed by his kind, to be seen only when desired, which was nearly never when it came to the humans. Concealing themselves was as natural as blinking.

Ahzrael's long waves of hair danced with the wind, his stern eyes glaring towards one area of the large park. He observed the zone from afar, the rims of his cornea a gleaming amber. If the report was false, he would be able to discredit it immediately. But the growing light in his eyes said otherwise.

Onyx, the messenger, was a few feet behind him, his back straight in a serious composure.

Ahzrael closed his eyes, lips together, and remained still. Gentle vibrations tickled beneath his feet. He felt a pull, aching to guide him towards a tremendous power. Within a moment, his eyes shot open. He flashed towards the edge of the park, near a lake.

He halted once he reached the crisp grass. Onyx followed but stopped a few feet away, giving Ahzrael his space.

All around the park, the grass was a murky green shifting into a dead brown. One particular spot, however, was darkened, a large shape indented into the ground at least one foot deep. But there was one problem-- a missing body.

He bent down, leaning his mighty weight on powerful legs and feet. His eyes felt warm, and he knew they now glared a piercing gold.

The power resonating from the ground was still strong and it completely consumed him as he allowed it entry. He had to be undeniably certain of the Inusir's lost presence, and this was the way to do it.

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