We're on Goodreads, People!

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Hiya, awesome people of the Wattpadverse!

Hope you're all well, and are having/had a wonderful weekend.

UPDATE: We're on Goodreads now, under "A Princess’s Guide to Dragon Domestication"!!

If you have a Goodreads account, can you please add it? You don't have to rate it until you've read the finished product (which should be out aaaaaaany day now), but even adding it to your to-read list can really help get the word out. :D

If you don't have a Goodreads account, you should definitely make one. You can rate and review books you've read, and discover many more. By noticing your likes, it can even recommend books that you'll most likely like. Seriously, once you're on it, your bookworm self won't be able to image your book life without it!

Anyways, more updates soon. May you always be happy,
Xinx. (:

A Princess's Guide to Dragon DomesticationOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant