A Princess's Guide to Dragon Domestication

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Normalcy is for the weak

Maisha is a pretty normal girl.

Sure, she doesn't remember the first 18 years of her life, but weirder things happen, right?

It's not like someone took away her memories to make her forget that she's an alien, heir to a throne, and the most powerful witch in existence.

Nor does she have an undead fairy godmother (along with a bunch of ghosts for relatives) whose sole afterlife entertainment is haunting her.

And there's NO way she's married to an actual dragon/ancient-warrior/wanna-be-superhero (who hates her guts) in the name of peace.

Or is there?

Who decides what's normal anyway?

(Formerly known as "How to Train Your Draconic Husband")

Comments on the story:

"This story is one of my favourites!" --Peaches101

"I AM LOVING THIS STORY!!!!!! I can feel these characters. Wonderful writing. Unique idea and very inspiring. (...) i wish this story could go on 4ever. I look forward to it every evening. (...) I'm addicted." --BohemianPrincess

"So funny and amazing and awesome!" --Redwitches

"Love your stories." --Fieldsofflowers21

"I really like how funny and totally unpredictable this story is." --mfoxee6

"So cute!" --partygurl8520

"I loved this chapter! So excited when I seen that you updated!!! Love this story!" --CassandraLedbetter

"I always laugh when I read your book :D" --KathrynFrancis4

"Awwww he's too cute~ I want one!-Raess ... please?" --anmiii

"I love the way you phrase things! :D (...) This made me laugh so hard!! >_<" --Semioya

"I'm loving it. also, I loved your comments" --mla03

 "I love this book!" --StupidWeirdoHere

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