(0.5) The Prince Not-So-Charming

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Dedicated to my sister, @Peaches1O1, the very first reader of this book. :D

 The Prince Not-So-Charming

 “You have got to be kidding me!” Raees complained for the nth time, but this time loud enough for his father to hear.

“I assure you that I am not jesting.” The acting king answered in a neutral tone. “You have a mission to do and dare I say, you are old enough to follow instructions without sulking and complaining.”

Raees scowled. “But why me? Anyone can go and bring the precious princess back.”

“Because she is your princess! She is your responsibility! Or have you forgotten?” The king’s tone was more annoyed than neutral this time around.

“Has anyone ever let me?” Raees mumbled sarcastically before speaking out loud. “I have many things to take care of. I cannot just up and leave the realm to do such a minor task.”

“This is not a minor task.” The king shook his head. “The prosperity of the realm depends on this. You cannot rule until you are crowned with her by your side and until then, everything is unstable. We could be attacked.”

“We would fight back!”

“And many would die!” The king roared before his tone turned sad. “You knew this was bound to happen, you have known ever since the two of you were married. Then why are you doing this? Why are you putting everyone in danger?”

All the annoyance that Raees had been feeling got replaced by shame within moments. “I- That’s not what I meant. I didn’t mean to upset you or shirk from my duties. I just- I’ll leave as soon as I can. She’ll be back before you know it.”

His father just nodded at him and Raees left to make arrangements for his journey.

The princess. She had been besotted with him well before she had been betrothed to him. To her this must have been a dream come true, he thought sarcastically. But to him, it wasn’t. To him it was a nightmare, one that he could never wake up from.

It wasn’t because there was something wrong with her. She was perfect if anything, with her long dark hair and innocent face, those hazel eyes that changed colour with her mood. But she was childish and annoying. He hated how she giggled in his presence like a 12 year old instead of the 17 year old she was. She cried over the smallest things. She was too… protected. She had no idea how to deal with the world whereas he knew too much. Their union was a disaster waiting to happen.

He hadn’t had the chance to even see her after their marriage, not that he wanted to. He knew it was inevitable, but that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy the limited amount of time he had for himself.

But that amount of time was spent in war, defending his homeland against the threats that the neighbours imposed. His father and hers had joined forces. He was the heir of the previous kings, dragon by blood while she was the daughter of the current king and future ruler of his land. Their union would finish the enmity and civil war between the followers of the previous and current kings, uniting them against the forces that now threatened to destroy their land.

But before the king and his father could witness their rule, the king had passed away, leaving the kingdom in an even bigger chaos.

The princess was distraught, vulnerable, weak and in serious danger.  

And that was exactly why when her father passed away, she was sent to the mortal realm for protection. Because she wouldn’t have survived the dangers in her own realm. Because she was too delicate.

She was temporarily stripped of her memory, for her own benefit, but they would return to her after one touch from him. But that didn’t mean she would’ve changed and would no longer be the same frustrating girl she was before she had left. After all, a person’s personality has nothing to do with their memories.

Raees scowled. Whatever he thought of her, it didn’t make a difference. He had married her for the benefit of his realm, he had no other option but to bring her back and play the role of her husband.

He looked towards his companion, Zane, before facing the front again. Zane had been the princess’s guardian before she had left. He adored the princess.  It was a good thing that he was with him, he would be more accustomed to her behaviour and maybe Raees wouldn’t have to deal with her.

Zane turned towards Raees once they were at the portal. “Are you ready for this?” He asked.

“No.” Raees replied with a frown. A frown that hadn’t left his face as soon as he found out it was time to bring the princess back, Zane noted. “But who cares about me?” With that, he stepped forward into the portal, Zane not far behind him.

“Here goes nothing.” Raees mumbled before he was engulfed by blinding white light.

Zane stepped into the light right behind him. He had spent the past year with the future king and as much as he knew that he was a good, honourable man, he felt sorry for his princess. For what seemed like the millionth time, he wished that she had been happy during the one year she spent away from home. She deserved it, even if it was a false life created by one of the realms many talented casters.

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