1 - Firsts

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Jung Hoseok was bored. He was bored and there was nothing he could do about it. School was boring, captaining the basketball team was boring, hell, even dance was starting to tire him. There was no entertainment in it all anymore. Not the rap battles at lunch time, not the arcade escapades after school, none of it. He was bored.

The only thing that kept him mildly entertained was the small red string tied around his left pinky. It first appeared on his seventeenth birthday, which was a bit odd to begin with as people usually get them when they're a child, or at eighteen. Not to mention, soulmate marks were rare anyway, so he was titled "Lucky" much to his distaste. As the months went on, though, and his soulmate didn't appear before him as he had imagined so many times over many sleepless nights, he had started to feel like the string was less of a blessing and more of a curse. And so, the boredom continued.

That was, until he found you, three weeks into the first term of the year sat in his seat on the bus. You were sat there, uniform pristine, hair looking recently cut, and headphones blasting away. Having your hand perched on your chin as you looked out of the window just added to the "I don't give a fuck" vibe you were giving off.

Hoseok blushed a little. He didn't know who you were, he had never seen you before. Of course, you could be new, but that would just be odd as it was already three weeks into the first term of the year. He may have been immediately attracted to you, but he had a reputation to uphold, and you sitting in his seat on the bus wasn't helping. He approached you and cleared his throat, luckily you heard him through your music and turned to him, your eyes meeting.

"You're sitting in my seat," He pointed at it as he spoke, and you took an earphone out to listen. It was only polite. You didn't know who this boy was, with red hair, brown eyes, and heart shaped lips, but he looked nice enough. You didn't want any trouble, especially on your first day, but something about the way he approached you irked you and yet again that mischievous spark inside of you didn't want to settle.

"And?" You looked as bored as he felt, your fingers fiddling with your earphone, itching to put it back in your ear.

"And so, I should be sitting there, not you," He demanded, getting a little annoyed, but trying not to show it through gritted teeth. He was one of the most popular boys in school and yet he could still receive this kind of treatment? Luckily for him, the bus pulled up to the next stop and the other six members of his friendship group stumbled to the back of the bus to find you two having a conversation.

"Oooooh, who's this Hobi? Is it your boyfrieeeeend?" Jimin mocked while making smooching noises at him. He was one to talk, him and Yoongi hadn't even looked at each other in two weeks over some stupid confession misunderstanding, and this bus ride was no exception. Yoongi simply walked to his seat as if Jimin didn't exist. It was hopeless. Hoseok just pushed the blonde away from him and over to his own seat.

You had observed this interaction and, involuntarily, your eyes widened at how cute the red-haired stranger, who you had learned to be "Hobi" could be around other people. Regardless, you kept your expression firm as soon as Hoseok turned back as you mumbled a short, "I'll move, don't worry," Before moving down the bus to a free spot, which happened to be next to another bleach blonde individual.

Hoseok's eyes followed you as you moved suddenly, the smell of you, or your cologne, he couldn't tell, wafted past him, and caused his heart to flutter slightly. His hand brushed against your bag and he couldn't help but feel a tug of his pinky. It didn't feel any different from the muscle spasms he got now and again ever since breaking his finger a couple of months ago, so he didn't pay any mind to it. He shuffled in to his seat, warm from where you had been sitting, and put his own music in, desperately trying to drown out the flirting that was bound to happen between the others any minute now.

location | jung hoseok (j-hope) x trans male readerWhere stories live. Discover now