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It's Aroh's turn in the spotlight.

It's pronounced "Arrow." You know... like a bow and arrow.
Aroh has always been the smarter of the four of us. Teachers would call her a 'sharp' student.

"Knives are sharp. I'm an intellectual freethinker not designed to acknowledge your manipulative teachings," she'd respond.
...Who says things like that? She's got the brain of an AI that's had every scholars' teachings uploaded in her database. Seriously, amazing.


A funny story about Aroh's name, actually, is that her parents didn't know what to name her for about three years. They called her pet names, such as 'pooh' and 'babydoll'.

I'm pretty sure you're aware of how kids like TV, right? Well, Aroh liked to watch sports... Archery in particular. She also loved the movies Robin Hood and Mulan, but only because of the - you get it.

By the time she was three and running the house, she'd talked their heads off about archery. Long story short, her parents decided to put her into a class (don't worry, they were suction cup arrows).

Shimmer and I had already been there for about ten minutes when she walked in with her family. The instructor asked her name, and her parents hesitated slightly.. But she spoke up [more like yelled] and said "Hey, I'm Aroh, and I'm 3 years old, and I wanna shoot arrows too!!"

The rest of the kids in the classroom were boys [they scrunched their noses at her] , so she ran over and sat with us.

Shimmer thought her name was cool, and I liked how she could talk like the big kids and not make her 'r' sound like a 'w', so I just listened to her talk.


I admire Aroh for being able to put logic ahead of her emotions, and for her ability to roast anyone with really complex words instead of just cursing at them. You never know what she's really thinking. It shows how she doesn't let anyone get under her skin.

I talk frequently about how smart she is because I've always admired that, too. I love how she pronounces everything perfectly.
Sometimes I call Aroh, just to hear her tell me things I didn't know. Or things I did know, and just wanted hear her say.
Just to hear her voice.

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