6. She Never Changes

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(Extremely long chapter! DON'T PLAY SONG TILL I GIVE THE SIGNAL!!)

3rd P.O.V.

It was a beautiful early morning as residents woke up to start their day and a Sachiko sleeping in through the morning sunshine. "Mhmghhhh...." The greenette mumbled. Today was a big day, if only Sachiko knew. As the young adult made her way into the kitchen for food a disgusting smell of unknown substances became known. "Bleghhh....." Sachiko pinched her nose from smelling the scent of rotting food. "Why didn't I shove all my food away?" She asked herself as the young greenette grabbed a peg to keep her nose shut as she took out the rotten food that has expired for over 2 years.

Though the torment of cleaning expired food, Sachiko finally finished it after 4 hours. Sachiko's stomach growled from hunger. "I can't be bothered cooking so take out it is." She told herself as she walked back into her bedroom and changed her clothes into something that wasn't her pajamas.

A nice white sun dress with an orange sash wrapped around her waist with her long emerald hair down and her favourite red scarf to finish off her outfit. She reminded herself of her aunt Himiko when she first met her. She chuckled that her aunt's personality still reminded her of gorillas when she was still here.

The memories of her encounters with her family started to flood in in a flash.

Her biological father that was cold and wanted nothing more than to kill her was actually a loving and doting father after Kirito-sensei taught him a lesson everytime he punched him in which made Sachiko shiver at the memory. She was surprised that Subaru her biological father wasn't permanently disfigured after that. She still remembered the day he died in battle with Neko-chan who she discovered was her aunt as her mask fell when Subaru's sword struck her heart and Himiko's kunai in his.

Her adopted father Jiraya still made her heart ache as she still miss him dearly. She missed that old pervert that let her cry on his shoulder till the tears faded away. Made her smile on a cloudy day. Took her in when she sat in a field alone with no where to call home. He did so much for her. But now she can't repay the favour to him.

Her mother.... who she met when she died, she was happy to meet her. It was as if her mother filled a part of her heart that was missing. Though it seems as if she's missing one more piece.

Sachiko came back into the real world realizing that she was already walking to Ichiraku Ramen cause she might see a friend there. A friend she indeed saw sitting inside. Iruka-sensei and Konohamaru. They seem to be talking about something as Konohamaru was holding a camera. "Yo." She walked in with a grin planted on her face.

"Sachiko-nee chan! You're back, Kore!" Konohamaru hugged his older sister figure quickly letting go with an excited expression. "I'm making a video for Naruto-nii of everyone say words for his wedding!" Of course Sachiko agreed while Iruka watched as he was still thinking about what to say.

Once they were done they all ate ramen together as it was Iruka's treat for Sachiko's return. "Oh by the way Sachiko, don't you have somewhere to go?" Iruka asked. Realization came across Sachiko's face as she quickly slurped the rest of her meal before thanking Iruka for the meal.

The greenette ran and ran until she got to her destination; the supermaket. In another part of the village on top of the hill where Sachiko was meant to meet up with Riku who sat nervously as he held a bouquet of red roses. He took out a small black box inside his pocket before opening it revealing a small and simple diamond ring that had a lot to say than any other ring. A ring meant for the girl he loves.

Riku sighed and closed the box, placing it back into his pocket. "Why did I come here early?" He asked himself.

"Because you were too excited and left without thinking." A familiar voice was heard. Nagisa popped out from behind the tree in his wheelchair. "I had so much hopes for you." He chuckled as his blonde teammate blushed a litte.

"I couldn't help it. Time just moves so slow with out her." Riku smiled as he gazed into the bouquet.

"Wow, you're really far away from the surface, aren't you lover boy?" Nagisa teased as he got a little bit closer to lightly punch Riku. "Well I should probably LEAVE YOU ALONE FOR SOME PRIVACY!!" Nagisa shouted for everyone to come out with sheepish grins. One by one they all wished Riku good luck before being shooed away by the brunette. "Oh by the way one more thing.... don't get too carried away." Nagisa winked at the blonde before being rolled away by Ichigo who was also there spying, leaving Riku in a blushing mess.

"Damn it Nagisa."

Sachiko's P.O.V.

Okay, shopping is done now to deliver my goodies home and pack them away. Easy! But I feel like I'm missing something... "Ah well it'll come to me soon, dattejane." I spoke out loud. I strolled through the village as made my way home humming to myself as a tune was stuck in my head.

I got home and placed all of my things in the cupboards, thought I might take a good look at the view of the village outside of my balcony where the sun was about to set. It was well in the afternoon as I looked around the village..... "RIKU!!" I ran out of the house in a flash slamming my door behind me and quickly locking it before running all the way atop of the hill where I was supposed to meet up with Riku. I hope he doesn't hate me!

Riku's P.O.V.

I've been waiting here since midday. "Maybe she isn't coming..." I told myself as I looked at what was a big bouquet of roses that's now just a pile of petals and it stalks except for a single rose that held my hope. I could see the sun set and I decided to stand up and go for a walk until a voice along with a breeze that lead me to the source. "RIKU!!"

She's here. The wind only enhanced her beauty as it picked up all of the rose petals flew around her. She looked happy and relived as her eyes came a bit glossy. "I was starting you wouldn't of come." I smiled and as she opened her mouth I shushed instantly with a rose. "I want you to h-have this." I'm getting nervous!

"Ah, t-thanks, dattejane." I could tell that she was slightly blushing as well but that even made me more nervous. "I'm sorry for being extremely late." She apologized.

"It's fine, as long as you're here I'm happy." I grined at her making her blush a bit more including myself. "So um.... there's something that I've been wanting to say to you for a while now." Okay here it goes!

3rd P.O.V.


"Sachiko you are the most weridest, the most annoying, the most cutest, nicest and caring person I know. Being on the same gennin team where I first got to meet you was the second best thing to have happen to me, the first... is falling in love with you Sachiko. I want to stay by your side for as long as you'll let me. So, I have one thing to ask you." Riku got down on one knee and took out the small black box from his pocket before opening it up and revealing the ring to her. The greenette gasped in surprise as her hand flew up to her mouth to contain it.

"Sachiko, will you marry me?"


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