5. Graves and Tombs

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Riku's P.O.V.

"Hey there Inuho, long time no see, heh." I rubbed the back of my head as I awkwardly chuckled to myself as I stood in front of my friend's grave. She was in the same class as Nagisa and I, but she died when we were eight from the Uchiha massacre.

Uchiha Inuho

I had a slight crush on her cause I thought she was cool. Though she was arrogant and when it comes to her shy side she gets angry and blushes madly. It was cute. "So I wanted to let you know that I'm about to do something risky and ask a certain woman a certain question." My face grew a bit warm. "And so I was hoping that you could help me ask her tomorrow?"

"I'm guessing you want to know about Nagisa, right? Well he and our sensei was kidnapped and Nagisa was tortured physically while Kirito-sensei was mentally. But now they're safe at home, because of our teammate Sachiko. You two would've been great friends, maybe." I scratched the back of my head not really know on what to move to next. "Well I'll let you know how it goes. See you later, Inuho." I smiled as I walked off with a wave.

Now to go see Kirito-sensei... I only hope he's doing okay. The was sun setting as I knocked on his door. "Kirito-sensei?"

"Oh, you're looking for Kirito-san?" I turned to see a girl around my age with brown hair and eyes for some reason she looked concerned. I nodded. "Kirito-san hasn't left his home ever since he got back though he did have a bag of stuff but not too sure what it was."

"Thank you um..." I trailed off not knowing her name.

"Tsubaki, Akiyama Tsubaki." She smiled at me before walking off. I proceeded to knock on Kirito-sensei's door but got no reply so I turned the knob that was fortunately unlocked.

I opended his front door and saw it was a massive mess as if someone raided the place."Kirito-sensei?" I called out to him, only the sounds of mumbling was heard from behind the couch that was on a different rotation than it was usually. I've been over to Kirito's house a few times with Nagisa whenever sensei overslept.

As I spotted Kirito-sensei sprawled across the ground with an half empty bottle of sake in his hand. I just realized the room smelt a lot like alcohol and cigarettes. It's only been about a day and he's already like this. "Ugh...." Kirito-sensei moaned as he sluggishly got up. "What time is it?"

"Time to help out your student with his proposal." I replied to him as I helped him back up. "You shouldn't be so hard to yourself Kirito-sensei-"

"Don't call me sensei... I'm not worth that title." He inturrupted me. I guess he's taking it hard. "Anyway I'm guessing that the proposal is for Sachiko?" I nodded. "Leave me out of it. I don't deserve it." I sighed as I knew that I don't have much time left to talk to him right now, unfortunately. I knew I've should've done it next week or month, but I want to tell her how I feel.

"Have it your way then... but we'll all would appreciate if you did come to help us." I glanced at Kirito-sensei before I turned and walked to the door stopping halfway. "The meeting is at midday." I spoke before closing his door and walking away.

Now to actually make up a plan. I hope I can get some sleep.


"Will you... marry me?"

(I wrote this cause I can't sleep XD. Also next chapter is the one you're waiting for...hehe....)

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