Anybody Got A Creative Title? -_-

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BDR: Boy you guys aren't making any friends. ( ̄。 ̄)

Alice: *skips around me* We're not here to make friends, silly Mistress. Only targets. And you know, 'fear' is such a strong word. *stops & giggles* No, it's not fear weaklings, it's hatred and annoyance. And. . .*hugs me*

BDR: *tenses up* Alice, let me go.

Alice: *giggles* Oh my, my, my silly, Mistress. For as long as I live, and for as long as you chain down little Raven, I'll be here. . .I'll haunt your nightmares, I'll ruin your mind, and then take my place as the rightful owner of your mind. *giggles*

BDR: *glares*

Alice: That's right, get angry, Mistress. *grins*

BDR: *pushes her away* Alright, that's enough Alice. I have to go through this now.

Alice: *giggles* Play your little games, but it won't be long now.

BDR: Anyway, the first person is another name change, Foxess1:

"1. ben why do you bleed from your eyes? 2. what are the pastas favorite holiday? 3. i dare Toby to scare hoodie."


BEN: ( ̄。 ̄) That's not important.

BDR: Play too much video games?

BEN: Shh!!!

BDR: (✿◠‿◠) Thought so, now Pastas! What's your favorite holiday?

Pastas: Halloween. . .we get away with so much. *smirk evilly*

BDR: Me too! :D Alright, Toby-

Toby: BOO!!!!

Masky: -_- *punches him*

BDR: (。・_・。) Wow, Masky's not so gentle after all. Okay, Li-

Liu: Here, a flower for you, Doll. I know how much you like roses.

BDR: Oh, thanks. *blushes* Wait, these aren't-

Liu: No, Slenderman doesn't let his brother anywhere near this place.

BDR: Okay, good. *takes the rose* Thank you! (✿◠‿◠)

Liu: Now, may I read the next one?

BDR: Yep!

Liu: Okay, this is from Vampire_Madi_Kuran. .  ;_; The person who hates me:

"Sorry Liu. My friend was afraid to type it herself. I don't hate you. And since you went through hell I will reward you with 2 tickets to a carnival with Doll. Have fun! Oh and Doll do you like Liu please tell the truth."

Liu: Oh, it was your friend. *opens envelope* Oh this looks good.

BDR: What?

Liu: We're going to the carnival tomorrow!

BDR: Yeah! Alright! I love carnivals! They have freak shows! ^3^

Liu: Don't we already live in one?

BDR: Good point, and of course I like Liu. If didn't like him then I'd treat him like Jeffy.

Jeff: Ouch!

BDR: (◕‿◕✿) I'm kidding. I mean Alice.

Liu: Well I'm glad you don't hate me then.

BDR: Now then, lets see next up is Wildface1010:

"Hello guys! Question one: Hey Zalgo and Slendy, if you are not used to be human how do you appear in the world? Question two: Ben and Dark Link do you know each other before coming to the Creepypastas? (for the sake of both are from Legend of Zelda) Question three: If you are to exile one person out of the Creepypastas, who would it be and why?(not real exile plz) That's all. You guys are super awesome! :D"

Slendy: We have human skin that lets us blend in with the human world, but most of the time, I don't. My body can morph into any shape and size, so I can hide anywhere.

BDR: There you go, BEN! Another question for you!

BEN: *blushes* Well I knew Link because after Pokemon, Legend Of Zelda was my next favorite game.

BDR: Okay, that's settled. What's next? If I were to exile one person that would be Alice.

Alice: But you can't get rid of me. I live in your mind. *giggles*

BDR: Bitch. Moving on, Liu!

Liu: From GamerChix164:

"Heehii! I'm Rudy! Chixy said I can talk to you Dolly. But I have a question for EJ! Do you like eyeballs? I LOVE EYEBALLS! *psycho laugh*~ Rudy *drags Rudy away* Ignore her. I have a question for you Doll. If you had a voodoo doll and wanted to use it on someone, anyone, who would it be?~Bob"


EJ: They're okay, but I still prefer kidneys.

BDR: *puts hands to lower back* ._. Okay, well to answer your question Bob, I would probably do that to, to, to my biological sister. (¬_¬) I won't name names. Okay, next up is Jade-the-Wise:

"Hello. This is Susy again. And I have two dares. 1. I dare BEN to go an entire chapter without playing videos games. 2. I dare EJ to go an entire chapter without eating kidneys."

BEN & EJ: Oh well the chapter is over, so we can do that again!

BDR: Not next chapter. You all will be joining us at the carnival next time.

BEN & EJ: ._. NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Liu: *sits in a corner* Damn it. Alone time with Doll, is a no go. T_T

BDR: Well folks, until next time! We'll be in the carnival, so be creative! (✿◠‿◠) *waves*

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