Chapter 2: Boxers and Smurfs

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"Welcome to Nando's, can I get you some drinks?" (A/N: I live in America, where there are no Nando's. This may be a irrelevant scene because of no experience going to Nando's. And, I don't study up on facts about a restaurant that I have not been to. Sorry if this is incorrect.)

"We'll all have Pepsi please." Liam declared. She counted the number of us and shortly returned with six glasses. Simultaneously we opened our straws. "I think we are ready to order too." We all looked to Liam again. He scanned the room for people, and it wasn't busy at all. He pulled down his hoodie, us following his actions.

"Sure, what- oh gosh you're One Direction? This is so cool." She cleared her throat, a little embarrassed "But what can I get you?"

"Aw thanks, love. Andie, do you like hot Peri-Peri Chicken?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Never been here, sure I guess." They all turned wide eyed towards me. While Liam talked endlessly to the waitress Niall went into a full conversation about how amazing it is here. I laughed as Niall's eyes turned to desire as he delicately described the chicken. How oh-so delicious it was. After noticing the waitress had left I asked the group as a whole, "How often do you guys need to go around in hoods? Why do I have to?"

Harry played with his curls. "Well usually we do, but some days we don't because it's a hassle to do so. You have to when we do 'cause the paps will make up loads of fake assumptions about you. They are always up to no good."

It turns out that the chicken was delicious, I could see why Niall was in love. "This is great guys." I praised. Our small talk involved where I was from originally, what music I listened to, movies, books, and hobbies I loved. \\

We had finished off our plates, ordered refills for drinks, and left the restaurant the same we'd come inside. Fan girls screaming and pictures were being taken from every angle as we stepped out the door. I pulled my glasses out of the sweatshirt pocket and put them on. I was cautious to fall a few steps behind, so I jogged to catch up to Liam. Paul had shown for a brief minute, and Uncle Mike. We hopped into the car and drove off.

There were two thoughts on my mind: the boys, and videogames. I felt deprived from Assassin's Creed. I had the sudden fixation on stabbing my hidden blade through some people. I informed the boys I will be upstairs for a little while. The plug to my PlayStation 3 when into the outlet, and I sat down to play.

Let's go Ezio.

After a peaceful, and well deserved sleep I woke up abruptly to a crash. I slipped my socks on and ran to the top of the stairs. There lay Louis, landed on his perfect bum at the bottom. "Are you ok Louis?"

"Oh good morning, sorry to wake you. I think i'll be okay." He gladly took my hand and propped right on his feet. "I kind of fell." Nothing seemed to be hurting too bad as we walked to the kitchen. I offered ice for his back just in case.

Right on cue Harry was already in the kitchen cooking pancakes and bacon. He was whistling some random tune, oblivious to Louis' accident.

"Harry, Louis got hurt. Here Louis sit down." I glanced up at Harry, just noticing his ear buds were in. By mistake, my eyes traveled down his body, the pajama pants fit perfectly on his lower body. His torso only sported a black "wife beater" (Tank top/muscle shirt).

I heard someone coming down the stairs, or sliding rather. Zayn and Liam jogged in running to the fridge. "Don't boys sleep longer than this?"

"Well I smelt food." Liam cheered.


"Who says ditto anymore?" I questioned, Zayn just shrugged.

5 Guys, One Beautiful Prankster, One Direction.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu