That Crab, Crossdressing

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Alois and Ciel hadn't talked for a whole day, unless you count that they said their lines during the play, but there was no real conversation which was unusual for our favorite duo.

Until the night of the third and last show.

"You guys!" Anthony ran up to them wearing his "chef uniform" which basically hung off his small frame. His curly black hair was mostly hidden by the overly large hat on his head. "Did you hear about what happened to Katy?"

"It's fifteen minutes before the show, what is it?" Alois raised an eyebrow.

"She was attacked by a group of girls! One had swords, one used her claws, a few had knives and one tried to strangle her with her hair screaming something about Cielois babies!"


"Oh my god is she ok- wait, you can strangle someone with their hair?" Ciel asked, almost amazed by this fact.

Anthony nodded. "Surprisingly she's not dead. But, she didn't have an understudy! The show can't go on without Ariel!" He yelled with a frown.

"Y'know..." Alois smiled a bit. "I have an understudy and I know all of Ariel's lines..."

"What are you trying to say?" Anthony raised an eyebrow.

"I could be Ariel." He smiled cheekily. (CROSSDRESSING~!)

"B-but you're a boy!" Anthony looked at him as if he were crazy.

"With a nice ass, I'm sure Ciel could agree." Alois smirked and glanced at Ciel, almost forgetting his anger.

Ciel blushed as Anthony looked at them weirdly. "We're discussing what you just said later..." He said, raising an eyebrow so high you could see it over his big thick-rimmed glasses. "Anyway, we were just going to send Kat Awater out there but Alois can go for it as soon as we find the wig. Druitt is already freaking out so can we not mention that Alois will be crossdressing in front of our biggest crowd so far?"

Both the bluenette and blonde nodded in agreement.

"Great!" Anthony clapped his hands together. "Girls, this is your new Ariel. Get to work." He left Alois standing there before pulling Ciel to get dressed in his Prince Eric costume and get his makeup done. (LIKE A MAN)


Ciel was shocked when he saw Alois. Who knew Alois would look so good in a seashell bra and a red wig?

Acting in love and happy with Ariel became easier, no longer forced. Because he was in love with Alois and he wanted to admit that. Today. As soon as possible.

But that was hard to do, considering either one was on stage or one ha to change to get ready to get on stage, leaving little time for talking.

Alois on the other hand, was in no mood for talking to Ciel. Though he'd put up a good front when people were around. Just because he didn't want to talk didn't mean he wanted other people to talk to Ciel like that, if they knew their relationship was in trouble no doubt there'd be three girls and two gay guys all over Ciel. Hell, some already would if they got engaged.

But Alois still went on stage with a good attitude, he liked Prince Ciel (he'd refused to call him Prince Eric when he wasn't Ariel). Prince Ciel was, how do I put this, extremely hot. Damn, Ciel should talk like this more often. (More kinks we should talk about)

Before the boys knew what was happening, it was intermission. That meant, Alois could take the stupid scratchy red wig off.

Ciel searched for Alois and smiled happily when he saw him, walking over to him and hugged him from behind. "You did great, Princess." He said sweetly into his ear.

Alois had to stop himself from melting into his words and arms. He pulled away from him and crossed his arms. "I do not wish to speak to you." He said flatly.

Ciel felt hurt. Alois didn't want to talk to him? "Why?" He asked, hurt apparent in his voice.

"I saw you kissing Katy." He said bluntly, eyes watering. "How could you?"

Ciel paused. He thought no one had seen. "Alois, no, I didn't kiss her."

"Sure looked like it." Alois muttered bitterly.

"She kissed me, I pulled away as soon as possible and explained that I didn't want to kiss her because I," he paused, working up the courage to say it.

"Because you what?" Alois snapped.

"Because I love you." He finally said, a little too loudly.

Alois, and a few people around them, gasped. "You... Love me?" Alois said, surprised.

Ciel nodded. "I've been trying to work up the courage to say it for a while now, although Katy told me it'd freak you out... Did it?" He looked worried.

Alois smiled and shook his head. "Of course not!" He hugged him tightly, almost surprising the bluenette. "You should've told me sooner." He muttered into his shoulder.

Ciel smiled and hugged him back.

After ten minutes of hugging and talking, totally not kissing (okay maybe kissing), they had to go back on stage and finish the play. The acting got easier now that they knew.

Especially the kissing scene.



Wasn't Katy worth it now? Look at that. Look. They love each other. Katy was worth it, right?

Okay maybe I'm just an asshole for putting her in, but still....

I swear I would've updated sooner, but I was distracted... (By video games) sorry!

Until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now