His Tutor, Stupid

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"I love you, you idiot!" I yelled, surprising myself with how my words all came out without my permission.

It didn't help that Ciel only stared in shock, not saying a word. "I-I" He tried after a few minutes that felt like eternity. "I-"

"Don't say anything." I said, picking up my stuff willing the tears in my eyes to go away, at least not in front of Ciel. "See you at school." I muttered before walking out the door and leaving the room. I made the mistake of looking back. I wish I hadn't seen him cry.

~Next Day, At School~ ~3rd Person's POV~

Ms. Red's classroom was quiet, it was like alien territory. Alois kept his mouth shut, which meant Ciel did too. Even Ms. Red herself seemed slightly stunned by the quiet room. It had never been this quiet, ever. At least not when both Ciel and Alois were there.

While it was quiet, there was also an awkward, heavy tension that filled the room. It was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. Ciel found it awkward too. Usually Alois would drag him into some kind of conversation, no matter what had happened. Now, Alois sat on the edge of his chair, far from Ciel and an easy get-away.

As soon as the bell rang, Alois was gone. Ciel practically shivered from the cold shoulder Alois was giving him. But it didn't end there. At lunch, Alois skipped and went to class early. In chorus, he didn't even make eye contact.

Ciel had always wished Alois would shut up and stop talking for years, but now that it had actually happened, Ciel didn't want anything more than Alois to ramble about some unimportant shit he didn't care about.

Ciel wasn't about to let him escape the day without talking to him at least once. Ciel quickly caught up with him after school, before he could leave. "Alois," Ciel called. "You coming over today?"

The boy shrugged. "Maybe." He mumbled.

Ciel felt anger boil up inside of him. "Seriously?" He snapped. "Don't tell me you love me, give me no time to react, ditch, then give me the cold shoulder the next day." His hands clenched into fists that he was willing himself not to throw.

Alois boiled, too. "Excuse me for telling the truth." He glared. "Excuse me for feeling embarrassed when you just stared at me. Excuse me for feeling flustered when you kept looking at me today. Excuse me for-" He sighed. "This is stupid." He said, running a hand through his hair.

Ciel sighed, letting his anger go. "Yeah it is." He agreed, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Can we put this behind us?" He asked.

He looked me in the eyes. "No." He said. "We can't."

His answer startled Ciel. Why would he say no? "W-why?"

"I put too much out there to just go back to normal. You kissed me for crying out loud! Can you really promise me things are just gonna go back to normal just because we came to an understanding?" He asked.

This startled Ciel even more. "It couldn't go back to normal, could it?" He asked, but he already knew the answer. 

"No, it can't." Alois answered.

Ciel was about to say something before Elizabeth walked up to them, rudely inviting herself into their private conversation. "Alois, can you go? I need to talk to Ciel." She said in a sickeningly sweet tone.

Alois had to stop himself from saying anything rude to her. "Yeah. See you later, Ciel."

As soon as the blonde boy left Elizabeth started talking. "Okay, Ciel, I've decided to forgive you for blowing up on me a while ago over your friend." She said. "And I've decided to take you back." She smiled like she'd just given him the best news ever. "So I'll see you tomorrow at eight." She said, not giving him time to reply and walked off toward her car. 

What did I just get myself into? Ciel asked himself.

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now