His Tutor, Princely

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"The cast list is up!" Alois said excitedly, running to the blunette boy.

"Let's go check it out, then." Ciel replied in a less than excited tone.

Alois pulled him by the arm to where the list was. "Ooh! I hope I got the prince. Or Sebastian, maybe Scuttle? What if I got Trident? Or Grimsby?"

"You won't know until you actually look at the cast list." Ciel said, trying not to laugh at the boys enthusiasm. Which he was failing at due to the blondes adorableness.

"Right." He nodded. He pushed through the crowd of people and got to the cast list. "I'm Sebastain!" He said excitedly. He searched the list and found Ciel's name, right next to Prince Eric. "Ciel!" He exclaimed excitedly.

The blunette looked at him. "What? What part did you get?"

"It's not about the part I got, which was Sebastian by the way, but the part you got!"

"I got a part?" He raised an eyebrow. "What'd I get?"

"Prince Eric!"

"Prince Eric?"

"PRINCE MOTHER FUCKIN' ERIC, CIEL!" Alois shouted, earning a few looks from the other students in the hallway.

Ciel chuckled. "I don't think I got that big of a part." He shook his head, looking at the cast list. He looked at the list and found his name, right next to where the blonde had told him it should be. His face paled. "No...."

"Yes!" Alois squealed. "You're a prince!"

"Ugh," he groaned. "That means I'll have to kiss," he looked down the list. "Katy Peppers? Oh she's not that bad."

Alois suddenly felt a pang of jealousy. "Wait what?" He looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to have to kiss Katy Peppers. She's Ariel." Ciel explained.

As if on cue, a certain girl walked up to the cast list and smiled excitedly. "Ariel!" She said happily. She turned to Ciel happily. "I can't wait to work with you~" she skipped off to class.


Alois glared at the red headed girl from across the room. Of course she got Ariel, the pretty ginger girl with the cute laugh just had to get that part. It didn't help that she was known for crushing on a certain blunette and he wanted to ring her little neck for it.

And our favorite booty-short wearing boy was Sebastian, of all people, he would be telling Ciel to kiss her all throughout the play, and there's going to be three shows!

That meant Ciel would be kissing her three times, not even counting rehearsals!

How would he survive during rehearsals?

While our jealous blonde was inwardly raging, in the next room, Ciel was completely content.

Or at least as content as he could be.

Ciel wasn't what you would call outgoing. He was more of an introvert and didn't like to be around too many people at a time, which is why he has few friends and many books. Now, he'd be playing a fun-loving, handsome prince whose goal in life is to find a girl who's as, and to quote the play here, as alive and care free as the ocean itself.

Yeah right. It also didn't help that he had to sing and dance and kiss girls on stage, in front of people.

Sure he'd been getting lessons on these things from Sebastian (not kissing though, sorry SebaCiel shippers), but he didn't think he was ready to preform in front of people.

The bell finally rang and he was on his way to chorus, where they would begin their first rehearsals. Anyone who wasn't a big part in the play would be stage crew or extras, so everyone had something to do.

Upon walking into the chorus room, he was bombarded by a group of giggling girls.

"Ciel!" They squealed, grabbing him by his arm, they led him to one of the smaller rooms in the back. They were usually held for the band's practice rooms but during the time of plays, they belonged to the chorus room. The girls began helping him take his usual jacket off.

"Spread your arms and legs." One girl with blonde hair demanded. He was pretty sure her name was Angela.

"Uh..." Ciel was a little worried. Was this some sort of gang rape?

"What's your shoe size?" Another asked (Annie?).

"Isn't that a way to find out something else?" Another asked with a giggle (Diana?).

Annie(?) laughed. "Which is more of a reason to ask!"

"This is why I'm gay..." Ciel muttered. After answering all of their questions (getting more giggles after saying his shoe size, what does that even mean?) and allowing them to measure him, they allowed him to leave.

Alois was still boiling inwardly. He watched those girls pull Ciel away and heard them all giggling. It didn't help that when his bluenette walked out his hair was messy, he was holding his jacket and he was blushing while looking flustered. Only Alois was allowed to make him do and feel like that.

As soon as he walked out, the blonde walked to him quickly.

"Alois, thank God, those girls-" he was interrupted by the blonde's lips crashing against his. Ciel basically melted at his touch and kissed him back without hesitation.

The girls in the room squealed in excitement... Except one.

Katy Peppers. This beautiful red-head did not like this pairing (she so does not ship it). She was determined to do one thing and one thing only during these rehearsals and shows. She was going to make Ciel fall in love with her.



Eh, I'll let her do what she wants.

Anywho, I won't be updating for a few days due to little internet (family, why?). Thanks for reading!

Until next time my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now