His Tutor Annoyed

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Alois POV*

"So basically the letter stands for an imaginary number tha-" Ciel started.

"Wait, why do we have imaginary numbers, anyway? Why can't they teach us something useful, like how to do our taxes.'' I asked.

A sigh came from Ciel's direction. "Algebra helps with our problem solving technique." He waited a minute. "Also if we fail it has a big impact on our grades."

"I knew it!" I exclaimed.

Ciel raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me. "You knew what, exactly?"

"I knew you didn't like school. It's all for the grade."

"Isn't everyone like that?" A small look of irritation held in his royal blue eyes.

"Yes but you come across so nerdy. I feel like I've cracked the code for everyone." I could feel the grin on my face.

Ciel rolled his blue eyes at my words. "Back to work." He sighed.

How I loved his eyes. The way they looked with his black-blue hair, as if they popped. They were quite big, too. I liked the way they looked when he was reading, especially when he read a book he liked.

There was a knock at the door, interrupting my thoughts about the bluenette's eyes. Sebastian walked in, two pieces of chocolate cake on a platter. "I've made you and Mr. Trancy chocolate cake, sir."

"Thank you, Sebastian." Ciel said. As soon as Sebatian left he turned to me. "You want mine?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I'm fed chocolate a few times too many."

He nodded in agreement, took his and my plate and set it down on a table next to the door. We studied for a good half hour before I couldn't take it anymore.

"I want candy." I groaned.

"Eat your cake." Ciel said, flatly.

"I mean candy, real candy. Hard candy, chewy candy. Candy." I explained. After a minute of him failing to respond and continuing to write down some problems I groaned again. "That's it." I stood up.

"And where might you be going?" He asked in his usual annoyed tone.

"There's a candy shop two blocks from here, wanna come?"

He opened his mouth as if he were gonna say another snide remark about getting back to work but then he closed it. He seemed to be thinking about something. "Sure." I couldn't decide if it was my imagination or real life but I could've sworn I'd seen a pink tint on his cheeks.

I grabbed my bag which had my wallet and things and walked toward the door, Ciel ahead of me, leading the way as always. My eyes wondered his backside. The way he walked. How his hips swayed, how his ass looked when he-

"You can stop eye raping me now." Ciel rolled his beautiful eyes at my very clear, very inappropriate looks.

I hadn't even noticed he'd turned around. "I-I was doing no such thing." I felt my cheeks burn a cherry color. "Why did you stop, anyway?"

"You know where it is, you lead." He says plainly. "It's not rocket science."

"If it was you'd know how to do that, too." I mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing." I replied quickly. I started walking toward where the shop should've been. In about ten minutes we were there. The sign read "Tom's Sweets For The Sweeties" not the best names but hey, they had great jelly beans.

"Well, I've never been here before." Ciel looked over the building. "Can't be that bad, right?"

"I hope you enjoy jelly beans." I pulled open the door, allowing Ciel to walk in ahead of me. The store smelled like pure sugar. I loved it. I walked around and chose a few candies. They ranged from Sour Patch Kids to Skittles.

Ciel also chose candies. His were just jelly beans.

*back at the manor, 20 minutes after*

"The meaning of the book was love!" I argued.

"The meaning was trust."

"The girl in the book at the end said something about it being love over war."

"Yes, but, she said in the beginning, love is real, trust is not."

I rolled eyes. "Fine, it's both."

"Yeah," Ciel smirked before continuing, "but more about trust."

"Can you not stand to be wrong?"

He shrugged. "Maybe." That same sly, but kind smirk still on his face.

Ciel Phantomhive, calm, kept together, quiet, was also funny, loud and charismatic.

I think I might be getting to know the real Phantomhive boy.

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ