"Hey." I try to gulp my nervousness away. 

"Hi." I could sense he is also nervous which strangely makes me have a bit more confidence.

"Would you like to hang out at my place?" 

"Sure. When should I -uhm - be there?" His deep, husky voice is so comforting it makes my heart beat lower. Not by much but the nerves is gone. 

"Whenever you want. But sooner would be better." I hope I don't sound too clingy.

"Okay." He says two times longer than it should be. I smile.

"If you're busy it's okay." I quickly say in a serious face. I don't want to pressure him. 

"No, I'm bored actually." Silence follows after and I could practically see the blush on his cheeks. "I'll be there soon." 

"Great. See you soon." I say while breathing out in relief. 

"Bye." My heart flutters at his words. 

"Bye." I smile.

After I hang up, I find myself smiling at my phone. I shake out of my trance when I realize he could be coming here right now. I run to the washroom and clean my face so I would look more presentable. I then put some moisturizer and retie my hair on a ponytail. I walk to my closet and pull out a grey shirt and peel off my pajamas before putting it on. I slip on my blue jeans right after along with white socks. After looking again in my mirror, I head down the stairs right as the door bell rings.

"Hey." I smile and step aside for him to come in. 

"Hi Joelle." He slips off his shoes and jacket before I lead him to the kitchen. 

"Want anything to eat or to drink?" I offer.

"No thank you." He smiles at me. I walk to the living room and pick up the stress ball I placed there earlier. A thought pops up in my head. 

"Want to play a game?" I ask. 

"Sure." He says looking wary of what I have in mind as he takes a seat besides me on the sofa.

"Don't worry. It's simple and easy. Just a game to get to know each other." I smile. "Let's say I start first. I would say a question, toss it to you where you answer it, then toss it back to me where I will answer the question also. Then I will pass the ball back to you where you will ask another question before passing it back to me. And it repeats. Get it?" He nods. I put the ball in my other hand and look at Harry. "Okay, umm. What's your favourite colour?" I pass Harry the ball and he catches it with one hand. 

Woah, he has really big hands.

"Black." He passes it to me and I catch it with both hands. His answer replays in my head and I force myself not to frown but I continue the game anyways. 

"Purple." I say before lancing the ball back to Harry.

"Umm." He nervously plays with the ball in his hands.

"Ask anything. It's okay." I reassure him.

"Birthday." He shrugs with a light pink tint on his cheeks.

"March nineteenth." 

"February first." 

"Oh that passed a few weeks ago. Happy belated birthday, Harry." He blushes.

"Thank you." I smile.

"No problem. Full name." 

"Harry Edward Styles."

"Joelle Rose Collins." 

"That's a pretty name." He says and blushes right after.

"Thank you." I notice my face also burning.

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