"No one, No one wants to be with me. Am I that bad? There's only Tanya who saves me from the kids and the people in my building.  She's the one with whom I can talk with. You know everyone out there thinks I'm disgusting. Some say mean things and some show sympathy. Why?", Raavi now had tears freely flowing down her cheeks.

"It hurts. It hurts. I don't know what to do. God made me like This. He should be blamed. He should be blamed because he made me ugly!",  Raavi said as she looked up and stared at the ceiling.

Anabiya just stared at her as her heart ached. All those memories, those bad moments came rushing to her. She always tried to get over them but today seeing a girl in front of her, voicing out her thoughts which were the exact same version of what she had two years back, Anabiya too felt her eyes getting moist as her blood boiled with rage.

"Raavi.... stop. No. Don't cry.", Anabiya said sternly as she walked a step closer to her.

"Now listen to me. Very, very carefully. Okay?", Anabiya again said and Raavi just stared at her and nodded slowly.

"First of all, your body, your skin, your hair or any part of your body is not a problem. And you are not ugly. Get that in your head. You know the one's saying you those stuffs are ugly. Their hearts are ugly.  But you are  pure gold, darling. Pure gold. Never be ashamed of who you are. If you won't respect yourself, then No one would. Be strong and don't degrade yourself. You're such an amazing person. Don't let their words break you.", Anabiya explained and Raavi smiled slightly.

"Anabiya... it's not just about the people. It's about me too. You know it hurts when I go out for shopping and they're like I can't get a dress in my size. And whenever I go out, I have to apply so many layers of makeup just to hide these.", Raavi said as she pointed at the acne on her face.

"Raavi.... see, we should never stop getting better. Okay? If you feel that you need to lose weight or if it's getting between your health then go for it! And as far as acne is concerned, it's normal in this age. Just don't be harsh on it by applying heavy makeup. Be natural and confident.", Anabiya smiled but Raavi just shook her head.

"Easy to say, hard to do.", Raavi muttered and at this Anabiya chuckled a bit which made Raavi stare at her in confusion.

"Why are you laughing?", Raavi asked.

"You just said that it is easy to say and hard to be done.... Well even I used to think the same.", Anabiya replied which led to more confusion.

"What do you mean?", Raavi voiced out her doubt.

Anabiya stared at her for a few seconds and then said.

"Even I was bullied in school because of my weight.", she gave a small smile.

Raavi's eyes widened in shock and she mouthed a 'What?' To which Anabiya just nodded indicating her that she'll explain everything.

"Not just in school but in college too. Well even till 16 months back. Yes, even i had extra kilos.", Anabiya finally revealed.

"I had times when I used to break down and refuse to stand up and face those people. But then I used to pray, I used to talk to Allah and even i used to blame Him. But you know He gave me patience. Then when my college started, I felt a bit confident. I was actually quite comfortable in my own skin. But then I once was brutally teased by some of my classmates. Then it hit me. Even I suffered from an acute depression. But then I again prayed. It was then I started to realise that even I want to wear pretty clothes but well my weight doesn't allowed me too. Also I was having some health issues because of my weight. I wanted my weight to be my strength, not my weakness. So then I decided to lose it. I wanted to show myself and others that I can fight with whatever is holding me back. I can. So I started working on it and well, after falling many times, after getting sick and breaking a bone, here I am!" Anabiya completed with a smile and this time Raavi's mouth was wide open.

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