Chapter 23 - Meeting the Family

Start from the beginning

"Now Jackson, I see you have found your mate also." She said, looking at the other couple.

"Mrs. Johnson, this is Callie." Jackson said.

"Its nice to meet you, Mrs. Johnson." Callie said, holding her hand out with a small smile.

Mrs. Johnson didn't even accomplish Callies hand gesture instead she said, "Oh please, call me Elizabeth." before she hugged Callie.

Callie smiled warmly at her.

"Elizabeth!" yelled another woman, who I might take as Jacksons mom.

"Their here Odett!" Elizabeth shouted back.

Just then Odett shot out of the kitchen.

"Jackson!" she yelled, before hugging him.

Jackson was also larger than his mother, so he had to bend down and hug her back. He also kissed her cheek.

"Mom, this is Callie." He said smiling down on Callie.

Odett hugged Callie and broke apart to then look at her.

"I see where Jackson gets his sweetness from." Callie said, which was a good move on her.

Odett laughed sweetly at her and then smiled wide. "Oh, I love her Jackson." she said, before hugging her again.

"Food should be ready soon. Andrew can't wait to meet you." Elizabeth said to me enthusiastically.

I'm guessing Andrew is Drews dad.

I smiled at her. "Me too."

"Taylor and your dad are in the study, doing who knows what." Odett said to Drew.

I'm also guessing Taylor is Jacksons dad.

"Dinner will be ready any minute." Elizabeth said.

"Do you need any help with anything?" I asked. I've always been good with cooking.

"No dear, I just have to wait for the potatoes. " Odett said smiling really big at my friendly gesture.

I smiled back.

"Just make yourself at home. I'll call you in for supper." Elizabeth said, running back into the kitchen.

"So tell me how you guys found each other." Odett said, once we were all seated in the living room.

"Why doesn't Jackson go first." Drew said and then looking down at me. "Ours is a little..." he said, trying to find the right word. "different."

I laughed and nodded totally agreeing with him.

Odett gave us a weird look, but laughed also and turned to Callie and Jackson.

"Well, Lily was coming over to visit, but at the time she had a broken ankle, so I drove her over to Jacksons. Lily said that She was setting me up for a date. A blind date." Callie explained, before Jackson took over.

"And right at the door step." he said looking at Callie. "I saw her." he continued, smiling. "So thanks to Lily, I never would have met my mate." He finished, looking at me.

"Awe!" I said, walking over and giving Jackson a hug, and then going back.

Everybody laughed at my sudden action. I also heard some older men's laugh.

I turned my head to the hallway. There I spotted 2 men who looked to be in their late 40s.

They were Drews and Jacksons fathers.

I could tell who's father was whos.

I noticed that Drews father had hazel eyes similar to Drew.

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