No. 1

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It's yet another normal, boring day for Jimin.

Step one is to be very rudely awakened by the morning siren, which he had gotten accustomed to. The irritation he feels simmers down within seconds, realizing it's the stupid alarm before resorting to stuffing his head under the pillow.

Step two: to wait for his lunch to be served right at his doorstep, where they slip the tray through the flap at the bottom of the door(when he finally decides to get his ass out of bed, that is).

Now, the reason why he's somewhat being treated like a prince is only because Jimin isn't fit to be outside of his room; there're more dangerous people behind it than the one in front of it.

One step out the door and he could possibly lose his life to the psychopaths strolling around outside.

Finally, step three: stare at the four cream white walls that encloses him and talk to his pillow.

Today was very different though, Jimin even has to say that it's probably one of the most interesting days of his life ever since he got here.

Along with his lunch came a nurse and a girl today. The door that has been closed for god knows how long finally opens, which is a pretty big deal because Jimin never sees that door creak open- not even slightly.

"Lunch is here, Jimin." The nurse smiles briefly at him, before passing a tray of food to him.

Risotto today, not bad.

He thinks, smiling at the simple dish on his lap. Just as he's about to slot in the first spoonful of rice into his mouth, that's where the surprise starts.

A girl is being pushed gently into the room, the nurse that served Jimin his food tailing behind her closely.

The second the girl catches sight of Jimin sitting on his bed, she instantly backs out of the room with surprising strength as she pushes the nurse backwards along with her.

Jimin frowns at this. Is he scary to her?

"Don't be scared, that is your new roommate. He's going to be your friend okay? He won't hurt you. Go in now." As sweet as the nurse sounds, just one look at her face and Jimin could literally taste the impatience in her voice while she urges the girl back into the room with a little more effort than the last.

The girl seems to sense it too, trying to give the girl a tiny glare of her own as she tries to wriggle the nurse's grip off her shoulder.

The empty bed in front of Jimin piles up with stuff toys that belongs to the girl in minutes, while he only continues to look at the situation and eats his lunch.

He notices that the girl wouldn't even come a step nearer to where he sits, and the bed in front of him isn't even that close. It's a very safe distance away from him.

When the nurse is done arranging the stuff toys neatly around the bed, she looks back at the girl and sighs. With a slightly harsh yank, she manages to move the girl to the bed.

Jimin feels his blood boil slightly at that; he doesn't like being pulled around or forced to do something he's uncomfortable with and he's sure the girl doesn't too.

"Be good, I'll come back later in the noon to bring snacks for tea." The nurse smiles once again, before exiting the room without forgetting to lock the door tightly.

Jimin looks on at the girl, still eating his lunch. She has jet black hair with beautiful curls towards the end being half tied neatly, side parted bangs covering her eyes quite translucently. He could still see the brown irises behind the curtain of hair, and takes in the contrast between her dark hair and unbelievably pale skin.

She's pretty.

Was all that comes into his mind as he sets his tray aside, scooting closer towards the edge of the bed. He doesn't move beyond it, noticing how the girl immediately moves further back onto her bed when he moved.

"Hi, I'm Jimin, what's your name?"

Silence. The girl doesn't reply, and Jimin lets it slide. He knows that she has an issues with strangers now(it's quite evident, honestly), so he decides to take this slowly.

He has to find a gap between that thick shield of hers in order for him to let her know he's of no harm, unlike the rest that resides in this place.

After a short moment of pondering, Jimin starts exploring a little with short questions, trying to find a similar interest they both have.

"Do you like stuff toys?"

"What's your age?"

"Do you like flowers?"

"Do you like the food here, it's honestly great to me."

After countless of questions and she still doesn't utter a word, Jimin sighs deeply. Maybe he should take it really slowly and wait till tomorrow; and she might be a little more open when she notices how Jimin doesn't do anything to her.

But he decides to give it one last try when he takes notice of the scent diffuser that was placed on the table by the nurse before she left.

"Do you like this scent?"

When he doesn't see the girl move, he lets out another sigh and is about to turn to grab his pillow when he catches her tiny nod from the corner of her eye.

New hope blooms in Jimin's heart.

Now he knows that she's not completely unapproachable. With this slight improvement, he decides to push on a little more.

"Do you like other scents too?" The girl nods a little stronger this time, although she does not bother to make eye contact with Jimin.

But just that slightly stronger nod gives Jimin lots of encouragement to break the girl's tough shell.

"Can I move from my bed?"

It takes awhile, but the girl shakes her head.

By now, Jimin has a decent knowledge of her. She's terribly shy and doesn't like being close to someone she doesn't know, and she likes scents and stuff toys(she never replied his question but it's pretty obvious seeing the amount of plush toys on her bed).

Jimin decides to stop here for today, knowing it won't do any good if he rushes her. Instead, he looks at the scent diffuser and shifts to the side of his bed, reaching for it.

"Cucumber and rose?" He questions, before bringing it closer to his nose. The strong, sweet scent hits him powerfully in less than a second, but he likes it.

He loves it.

"It smells good though." He grins, before putting it back on the table and proceeds to talk to his pillow again. There's nothing else to do anyways, since the girl wouldn't want to open up just yet.

If only Jimin doesn't turn his back towards her, he would've caught that tiny tug at the side of her lips.....

12 Desserts (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now