Chapter 17

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Skylar's P.O.V

I walk in the door with Gerard. "Skyyylarrrrr!!!! Gerrrardddd!!" they all yell. They jump up and hug us. Mikey point's to Gerard. "You are crazy, you could have died," Mikey says. "Yea, but Sky could have died, too," he says, taking my hand. "True," Mikey says and smiles. "Well Mikey, Frank, and I are gonna go get coffee. You guys wanna come or want us to bring you something?" Ray says. We tell him what we want and the guys go off to the car. Gerard and I sit in the little hotel room. I go sit on his lap and cuddle up to him. He smiles and puts his arms around me. He is careful with my arm that is red from the fire. I start to sing softly and Gerard starts to rock me.

Its just another war, just another family torn

Just a step from the edge..Just another day in the world we live in

I need a hero. To save me now

I need a hero (to save me now)

I need a hero to save my life

A hero will save me (just in time)

I stop singing and Gerard kisses my cheek. "You have a beautiful voice," he says. I smile. The guys get back and we hop in the bus to go to another concert. They take me backstage to get ready. They put on Green eyeshadow and a thick coat of mascara and eyeliner. My makeup artist has become my friend. She put lip gloss on my lips and gives me my outfit to change into. I slip into a white tank top and put a black checkered jacket over it. The sleeves of the jacket stop at the top of my forearm. I slip on back short shorts that look torn at the bottom. I walk to where Gerard is and see he doesn't have a shirt on. "You don't have a shirt on by the way," I smirk. He looks up. "I can't find it," he laughs. I roll my eyes walk over to the drawer. I open it and pick up is shirt. He looks at me. "Huh?" he says. I laugh and throw it at him.  Brian come in tell me it's time to go on. Gerard picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Gerard! What are you doing?!" I ask and punch his back. "Calm!" he says and laughs. He walks onto the stage and girls screech. "Gerard you don't have a shirt on," I say and laugh. "Oh yea," he says and laughs. I kick my legs around but he grabs one of them. "Don't kick me in the face," he says, laughing. He sets me down in front of the microphone. Someone holds up a huge sign and I beam. I run over to Gerard and grab his arm, pulling him back. I point to the log sign in the stadium. He smiles and hugs me. Across the stadium is a long sign that says "FIRE PROOF, BULLETPROOF, UNSTOPPABLE," Gerard take the mic and speaks into it. "Those people in the back with the sign, come backstage after the concert," he says and smiles. They yell "ok" and almost scream. Gerard gives me a quick kiss then leaves the stage.

Gerard's P.O.V

Sky is singing on stage. Her voice sounds like it came from an angel. I smile and sway to her voice. She finises and comes backstage. "You were amazing," I say and pick her up. She smiles and kisses me. I set her down and run on stage. The crowd cheers and I see the sign in the background. We have amazing fans.

Skylar's P.O.V

The concert ends and Gerard comes backstage. The people who were holding the sign walk over, smiling as big as they can. Gerard and I greet them and smile. "The sign was really touching," I say. "Thank you so much," Gerard add's, and we hug them. We talk and give them autographs and they leave. We sign autographs and the guys go to find some coffee, of course. Gerard puts his arms around me and pulls me close to him. "Great concert tonight," I smile. He smiles and picks me up. I wrap my legs around him so I don't fall. "I won't drop you," he says and chuckles. I look down and see i'm not that high up. "Okk," I say. He smiles and kisses me. We are kissing until the phone rings. I grab the phone and answer it. "Hello? Ok, we can come in tomorrow. Ok, bye," I hang up. "Who was that?" Gerard ask's. "The hospital," I say. His eyes fill with worry and his tone changes. "Is everything ok? Is it to do with your cancer?" he ask's. I shrug. "They just want me to come in tomorrow," I explain. "Ok," He says. I kiss him, he kisses me back, but I can still tell he is a little worried. I hold his face and run my thumb along his cheek. "Gerard, it will be fine," I say. He nods and tightens his arms around me. "I am gonna go with you to the hospital" he says. I nod and he gives me a quick kiss. The guys get back and we hop on the bus and drive to the hotel.

Gerard's P.O.V

I wake up with Sky snuggled up to me and my arms around her. I smile and kiss her forehead. She moves closer to me in her sleep. I run my fingers through her hair and check the time. We have to be at the hospital in two hour's. "Sky," I whisper, softly shaking her. She mumbles and I can barely catch it. "Please don't hurt me," she says softly as her face drains of color. Shes starts shaking and I know she is having a nightmare. "Sky!" I say, shaking her. She is to deep in sleep to wake up. I sit up and pulls her up. I pull her close to me and sway slowly. She stops shaking and the color returns to her face. "Skylar," I whisper. She slowly opens her eye's and crashes into my arms. "What were you dreaming about?" I ask. "J-Jared h-hurting me," she say's. I pull her close. "Shh, it's ok he can't hurt you anymore," I soothe. I tilt her head up and kiss her. We sit kissing for a minute or so, then I remind her that we have to go to the hospital in about two hours. We get up and start getting ready.

Skylar's P.O.V

I put on a thick coat of eyeliner and mascara. I brush on some back eye shadow and fix my hair, leaving it fluffy. I throw on some black short shorts with rips and a white tank top. Over it I put on a black checkered jacket. It looks almost identical to the outfit at the concert. I slip on black and white high-top all star knee length converse boots and lace them up. I slip on some bracelets and walk out to Gerard, who is looking for his shirt again. I walk over and kiss his cheek. "You always lose your shirt's," I say and giggle. I open the drawer and throw him a shirt that matches his pant's and throw him a jacket to go on top. I toss a studded belt to him and he catches it and slips it on. I grab his hand and pull it to the bathroom. "Come on," I say. I grab a brush and start brushing through his black hair. "Oww gentle," he whines. I laugh and keep brushing his hair. I finish and throw the comb on the counter. The bus dries us to the hospital and we sign in. I see that Gerard is a little worried. I take his hand and he smiles at me. We walk into the room and greet the doctor. "So, Skylar, we did some tests," the doctor says. I can't tell, but I think Gerard is holding his breath. "It seems that your cancer is in remission," he say's. Gerard let's out a huff of air and I smile at him. "Really?" we asks. The doctor nod's and smiles at me. We talk to the doctor for a while and then go back to the hotel. "Guy's, we have good new's" Gerard tell's the guys when we walk in the door. "Skylar's cancer is in remission," he says. The guys smile and hug me. I give Gerard a quick kiss and he wraps his arms around me. Life is perfect for me.

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