Chapter 6: The Language of Flowers

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So sorry for the late update. I hate being sick and when I am sick I hate everything.

Happy Eid to all who fast during Ramadan :)

Thanks to everyone who is reading this and this bouquet of roses symboly my love, trust and happiness I have found with all of you *-*

I am drinking hot chocolate as I await your response to this chapter so comment what your favourite beverage is. Hot or Cold. (Cause you're hot than you're cold, You're...Sorry and enjoy the story XD)

 Chapter 6: Language of Flowers

Standing under the hot morning Stud Town County, Texas sun with the twins sleeping in their car boosters, I rubbed my eyes tiredly. Leaning against the rented Jeep I looked over the ranch in front of me. The limestone 2 story ranch house with grey roof tiles and the unexpectedly bright red door in between massive limestone archways connected to the wrap around porch was painted the same white as the edges of the wide windows in the front of the house. I smiled at the childhood memories I had with the Harrington family and the many days and nights I spent there.

As a slow breeze blew past and jingled the cowboy shaped wind charm my smile was also gone with the wind as I remembered the reason why I spent so many nights in one of the many guest rooms only to later climb in bed with Chase once everyone was asleep.

Looking in the back seat I smiled with a determined glint in my eyes. I will never let my children go through the uncertainty, fear and loneliness I lived through. They will be well cared for even if I am no longer here with them and cared for by people who already love them. I made sure of that as soon as I could.

I felt my jaw snap as I yawned for the 5th time in as many minutes. 

 Flying out of New York City like a bat out of hell with the twins in a client’s private jet who owed me a favor, I couldn’t stay still let alone sleep despite the luxurious surroundings while the twins slept the entire way.

What was I going to tell the Harrington’s, showing up at their door at 8 o’clock in the morning on a Saturday unannounced? At least I wouldn’t be waking anyone up as working and living at a ranch everyone got up before sunrise to start their day. Fishing out my iPhone I dialed and tapped my foot in time with the ring tone.

“The Harrington Household, Henrietta speaking, how may I help you?” I felt a smile grow as my body relaxed at hearing Chase’s mum’s Texan twang. Henrietta was a second mother and someone I looked up to and even though she no longer worked as a secretary she still spoke like one.

“Hey mum, how are you?” As soon as I spoke I held the phone away but still winced at the loud squeal coming in from inside the house and the phone. She may be in her late fifties but she was worse than a gaggle of teen girls.

“Anna sweetheart, how are you? How are my two sweet cherubs? When are you coming? Why aren’t you coming? Come and live here in Texas we’ll get you a stud-”

Laughing I cut her off before she went on one of her talks. “We come here every other holiday and always talk on the phone and Skype. How is everyone?”

“All the phone calls in the world don’t compare to a hug from the sweet twins and everyone is fine. I am just finishing up making breakfast, the boys should be in from their round up in a few minutes.”

“Well if you don’t mind can you make some pancakes with chocolate sauce and banana and strawberry toppings?” Anticipating the squeal and acting quicker than the last time I stretch my arm out while there is a minute of confused silence before an earth cracking squeal rings out and has the birds fleeing in flight. I say a quick I’ll see you soon and end the call, pocketing the phone in my jean pockets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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