My Home

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Hello!!! This is the last chapter in this story. Enjoy!!!

Sarah's POV

I stared at this woman that Roxy brought to me.

"Uhhh....what?" I asked so confused.

"She's here because Jason had to...leave. They have a law that their leader chose their upcoming alpha's mates for them. Ah.

"Okay." I said and went back to eating crackers.

"That's it? Just "okay"? That's all you have to say! Jason is with his father! And you're not worried!" His mother yelled at me and I gave a chilling glare.

"He will be back. If he doesn't, you're leading me to him. Is that clear?" I said leaving no read for argument.

"Yes...My queen." She said and I smirked. Good. She's learning. I finished my crackers and water and jumped up.

"Okay. Let's go!" I said happily and she blinks at me.

"Wait. Now?! Like right now?!" She asked in shocked and I nodded.

"Well, yeah! Come on! Lead the way." I said waving my hand at her and she rolls her eyes. I grinned. I think we're gonna be great friends! It took a couple of hours before she was ready. I felt my mark go from warm and a burning chill. Ah shit. Don't they know anything on Masters, Servants, and Marks? Guess not.

After she lead us to shade and turns to me and Roxy.

"You might feel weird, so bear with me." She said and we both nodded. I saw nothing, but black and a pull in my chest. I opened my eyes, not noticing I had them closed. I felt sick and leaned over by by nearest tree and puked.

"Yeah. That gets me from time to time too. Sorry." She said sheepishly for warning me, but not enough details. I waved at her as I wiped my mouth, telling her it's fine. She waits for Roxy to get done puking her guts out before we set off to the gates of their pack.

"What are doing here?! You're not supposed to come back here! And you brought The Blood Queen here?! Oh god we really are gonna die!" A guard whines and then I remembered him. He's the one who retreated, knowing that odds were against him when fighting me at the forest where the Mystery Shack is.

"I'm not here to kill you all, as great as that sounds. I'm here for Jason." I said smiling at him. Both of the guards nodding furiously as they lead us to their leader.

"How dare you let the traitor back in along with demons?!" The leader demanded as I nodded the Jason's mother and Roxy.

"I'm here to come get my mate back." I said as Roxy and Jason's mother stand back along with the two guards.

"You! You're a demon! An murderer! A shame to your kind!" The leader yelled. Oh, come on! That was in the past! Even if I still kill people, at least it's not for stupid reasons.

"Oh? And forcing your kind to breed for the sake of alphas and betas and kill the omegas is okay? You're just the same as me." I said and the leader growled then smirked.

"Fine. Let's say we're the same. Then your "mate" has already bred with his chosen mate and broke free from whatever little spell you had on him. So, you can't separate mates." The leader said and I knew he was lying.

"Lier! You're a fucking lier! He loves this demon! I know my son! He would never break their mark again! Never!" His mother snapped at the leader, who snarled at her.

"Watch your tongue, you filthy, pathetic, traitor!" The leader snapped and I growled grew in extremely angry and extremely impatient.

"GIVE HIM BACK!! You pathetic pieces of shit! He's mine!!" I snapped at the leader coldly, who flinched as most of his pack had growled at him.

"Listen to The Blood Queen! She'll kill us all if to don't agree!"

"Damn it! Just give Jason back to her! We already lost a lot of lives to them and now Jason is about to go on a bloodshed on us!"

"Just give the damn alpha back! I'm not going to war over this shit!"

"Fuck that! Jason will just kill us if we let him go as he is!"

"Aright! Shut up! You can have Jason back! Bring him out!" The leader demanded as he snapped at the others. Two guards escorted Jason out here. Jason grins jumping at me as he shifted to his shadow beast form and purrs, rubbing against my legs. Back and forth, like a cat.

"My precious servant. My love.  It's so good to see you." I said petting him. A guard came up and Jason went full out defensive mode. Growling and snapping at the guard and fell down backing a away.

"Jason. That's enough! Most of your pack is coming to live with me in the castle." I said and he stops, giving me a deadpan look. I just rolled my eyes.

"Yes. I'm serious!...They can stay anywhere in the castle. Except the garden....Ok! Fine. Garden too. I'll long as they build it. The baby is fine. Sheesh. Protected much?...No. That's a bit much....Really? Treating to bury every guy and using their grave as a shit box is just childish." I said as he grins. I give up.

"Baby?!" Just about everyone yelled minus me, Roxy, Jason's mom, and Jason.

"Yes. I'm pregnant. Fuck off." I snapped as Roxy sighs.

"Come on, already! Let just go home, so we don't have a murder with this mood swinging bitch." Roxy said whining.

"Hey! I'm not a bitch!!" I yelled as she waves me off.

"Keep saying that. It's true." Roxy said as we left with most of Jason's pack. Jason's dad was mysteriously murdered, by not me this time! They settled in quite nicely, despite all of our meat is suddenly gone. The capsule holding my kid had came out of my stomach and I'm staying near it as Jason's mother and Roxy tell it stories of our past, as well as Bill, telling to kid our most embarrassing ones.

Now! To wait a couples of centuries for the kid to be born. Or was it kids? I forgot. Oh well. A couple of them won't hurt.

Hellooooo!!!!! This is the last chapter in this story. Check out my other stories as well as the first book, For Centuries! This book is not a sequel to it. Just a Redo of it. Anyways!

Grimtales134 out!!!! See ya in the other stories!!!!

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