Mate Not To Be

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Helloo!!!!! This is the second to the last chapter of this story! Enjoy!!

Jason's POV

"And you broke it off with this demon?" My leader asked as I smirked.

"You really think that I would break off my love for my mate with this low-life piece of shit for a mate. Go fucking die." I said and was thrown across the ground.

"Watch your tongue, you insolent brat!" A guard yelled growling at me. My leader glares at me and nods to the guard.

"You will mate with your chosen mate and reproduce for the pack!" My leader said as I was picked up and thrown into a cave where they blocked the eixt.

"My alpha!" Mate said as she nuzzled me. I growled and snapped at her.

"Come near me again and I will kill you!" I snarled angrily at her with the intention to kill her. She backed away from me as she frowns.

"What is with you? I'm your mate! How can you act like this? It must be the demon. She's controlling you!" Mate said as she rubs up against me.

"I warned you." I growled lowly as I slammed her head into the wall and snapping her neck with my jaws and threw her out. I heard screams and a guard comes in.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! That was your mate!" He yelled at me.

"When did you care about bitches? I don't need a mate! I already have one!!" I snapped out him and was dragged out and in front of my leader.

"Why? Why can't you just follow this one law?!" My leader snapped at me.

"BECAUSE I HAVE A MATE FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!  LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE AND DROP DEAD!!!" I growled lowly at him. I'm was becoming angry and violent towards anyone from being away from Sarah.

"Fine then. You'll get another mate to breed with." My leader said.

"And she will die, if my own mate is not here!" I growled warning them, but they didn't listen. I was put with another one and I ripped her head off. The third one was gutted. The fourth one was ripped in half. The fifth one in parts. The sixth one had no throat. They stopped sending after I ripped the spine out of the eighth one. My leader tried talking to me, but I just snapped at him with such aggression then I left claw marks across his face. All I want is the be home with Sarah. With my master. With my mate! But no. This damn law is keeping me here till this "spell" over me is broken.

I heard someone come in and I growled at whoever was there.

"Jason. Are you done with this pathetic game you're playing? This is getting out to hand to where it's just plain stupid." Father said coldly as I growled.

"When she's here, I will." I said coldly and felt my mark burn with anger and I started grinning.

"She's here!" I singed grinning as my father growled before there was a scream.

"GIVE HIM BACK!! You pathetic pieces of shit! He's mine!!" I grinned knowing what my leader will do. Guards came in and escorts me out of the cave.

Helloooo!!!! The story is coming to an end and I'll update soon!!!!

Grimtales134 out!!!! Bye!!!!

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