Chapter Eighteen

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'Adamma,' he said; 'where are you?'

'I'm outside your office door. Your secretary buzzed me up but I had to notify you that I was already here. I am coming in.' Even as she was saying it, the door swung open and she stood there framed in front of the doorway, looking as if she'd stepped out straight from the pages of a magazine photo shoot. Her sleeveless azure Chanel jacket was tailored to fit her perfectly, and the matching Alexander McQueen skirt molded her trim waist and hugged the long length of her thighs; this was then topped with a huge pair of designer Prada sunglasses which masked her face, and there were loose tendrils of her slicked hair falling into her face. She looked ravishing.

As she came in, the scent of jasmine came wafting in like a cloud, suffusing the room with her fragrance. She moved with practiced, unaffected elegance towards her husband, and he felt the lump rise in his throat at the sight of her_ she never ceased to take his breath away whenever he saw her..

She was really beautiful, as were so many other women. But there was a way that she carried herself that made it seem as if she was some queen.

And that turned his insides to jelly whenever he thought of her.

'Darling,' she said in greeting as she floated forward and kissed the air around his cheeks. 'You look tensed up. Maybe you've been working too hard or you've been getting very little relaxation these days. Perhaps it will be a thing on point for me to book an appointment for you with my masseur.' She went to the big swivel chair behind the executive table and flopped into it, her eyes glued to the screen of the laptop which reposed on the polished desk.

Obinna watched her closely for any signs of malice, but there seemed to be none he could detect, though he knew that the woman was a seasoned expert at hiding her true feelings. 'Why are you here?' he asked her, and though she said nothing, he found it vaguely disturbing that she had occupied the chair he owned which often made him feel powerful whenever he was dealing with lesser men than he was in his office. He was now forced to settle himself on one of the visitors' chairs in the plush office.

'Well, darling, I have some good news for you,' Adamma began, her voice cool and devoid of any heat. 'Isabella has decided to let me handle the issues pertaining to the fact that you had abused her a few days ago when she'd come here to see you. I have already had her file a police report, and I've gotten my attorney involved in the matter. Has he called you yet? Well, that's not important.'

Obinna said nothing, and the only reason why he was barely restraining himself from saying anything was because he didn't want to say something which might lead him to do something he may regret. He looked at her, and her neck seemed almost to beckon to him: it was so beautiful, smooth, and flawless; what would it be like for him to put his strong hands on that lovely neck and squeezing until the bones snapped? The crazy fucking bitch deserved it.

Just reach forward, and then you'll have her neck, some inner voice was whispering to him. It will be so easy to throttle her.

'You and I both know that nothing had happened on that very day,' he said instead as he put his hands in between his laps and squeezed at them with his muscular thighs because they now seemed to have a mind of their own; they wanted to reach forward and do something that would make him go to prison for the rest of his life. At that moment he really hated her enough to want to do that.

Adamma flashed him a smile, revealing a row of strong white teeth. 'There is nothing you can say or do which will make you any less a monster than you are. You know that your arguments will not stand up in any court of law should this go the four walls of a court. So, what I came here to do is to offer you a lifeline for you to take and get out of this scrap you've got yourself involved in so that you can go back to your life. Now, my girl wanted to have your ass on a platter, but I had to persuade her to let you be in exchange for a substantial amount of money paid into an account in her name. Now, she's turned everything over to me to handle as I deem fit to handle same.

The Wedded Whore (Completed) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant