
"Apologies." He said insincerely, "but for real. He likes roller coas- oh my god!"

Jungkook suddenly squealed, scribbling on his paper.

"Propose to him on the Ferris wheel!"

"That's perfect!" Namjoon shouted in response, suddenly excited.

"Secondly, getting Jin to the proposal place!" Jungkook announced, "I say that I'm treating you all to a day out as a thanks for you hard work. Unfortunately, Wonho has no drivers as they're having a meeting about passengers or some shit. Namjoon, as much as I love you, I do not love your driving and I don't trust you enough not to crash the car. You can sit in the back and flirt with Jin. I'll drive."

"You can't even drive a car!" Namjoon protested.

"Uh. Yes I can."

"He can." I confirmed, getting unfortunate flashbacks to when Jungkook and I hated eachother. When I disobeyed the rules and went out without permission to buy Jimin flowers. Jungkook angrily turned a corner and stomped on the breaks, sending me through the windscreen, fun times. "He can, believe me."

"Anyway, my ability to drive is not relevant at this point in time." Jungkook checked the time on his phone, "Jimin says he can keep Jin preoccupied for about half an hour more. Then, they've got a twenty minute walk. Maybe forty minutes, we all know how slow Yoongi is. My point is, we're running the fuck out of time because you're lecturing me on my drawings and ability to drive!"

"Carry on!" Namjoon rushed.

"I drive to a theme park. You two and everyone else falsely acts surprised. You don't expect it's a theme park. This keeps Jin's suspicions low and he won't predict he'll be getting proposed to. It gets dark at approximately ten, maybe eleven. Everyone does what they want until ten. Then, we all meet up near the Ferris wheel. Jin will just think we're all off on the same ride. Me and Taehyung will attempt to capture a photo from one of the pods. Hoseok and Taemin will get an arty shot from the ground as Hoseok refuses to go on Ferris wheels. Which I'm kinda glad about. I can't deal with him passing out again. Not my forte. The wheel spins twice. The first time you two reach the top, you begin your cheesy speech. When you're about to reach the top, you propose. Hoseok will tell the man to stop the ride so you two stay elevated. Jin says yes. You kiss. Yay happy times. Ride comes back down. We all act surprised at the proposal. Namjoon and Jin go a love hotel and f-"

"Jungkook!" I said, "Namjoon and Jin go to sleep after admiring eachother."

"After fucking."

"The plan was so beautiful." Namjoon sighed, "beside the last part about us 'admiring eachother', I think the plan is amazing."

"Thank you."

"Just one thing."

"Go ahead."

"Why did you draw you and Taehyung in the Ferris wheel pod but not me and Jin?"

"You are there." Jungkook pointed to two scraggly stick men near the bottom.

"Why are you near the top?"

"Because I top."

I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands at Jungkook's logic.

"But I also top." Namjoon said confused.

"Yeah but we don't fuck so that'd be weird."

"Okay. End of conversation."

Jungkook shrugged, going back to sketching what seemed to be a rabbit beside a huge heart-shaped creature.

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