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V's PoV:

I picked up my sheet of chores, scrunching my nose up when I discovered it was blank.

"Has anyone else got chores?" I asked them as they were getting ready.

Jin hummed, "just shopping."

"Same. Come with me?" Namjoon asked, high fiving Jin.

Yoongi nodded, "mines cleaning and an hour of training."

"Hoseok? What about you?" I asked, praying someone was off chores today.

"Weapon checking."

Fuck. Why is mine empty?

"What about you Taehyung?" Yoongi asked as he pushed up the knot of his tie.

"Mines blank."

"Both sides?"

"Yeah. Do you take me for an idiot?"


I rolled my eyes, punching him on the arm lightly.

I pulled my blazer on, checking over my tie again. The tie was super uncomfortable but at least it was good quality. I've always liked ties. There was a policeman that I used to talk to when I was younger and he always wore a tie. He was my idol and made me want to be a policeman. He'd walk me home when it was curfew, since my parents didn't really care if I came back and he'd buy me lunch whenever I saw him off duty. Unfortunately, when he was fifty years old, he got stomach cancer, retired once it reached stage four and died in his sleep. I remember his wife visiting the house, explaining the situation and passing me his favourite tie that he wanted me to have. It was black with white dots all over and I complimented it one of the very first times we met. 

"Whatever. I'll go ask Prince Jimin. He might know." I walked out of the room, playing with the paper.


I kneeled down infront of Jimin, holding my hand to my heart.

"Good morning, Prince. I hope you're well."

Jimin nodded, smiling. "I am very well. What's brought you here? No servants are due to see me today."

"My timetable is blank. I wasn't sure what to do, so I came to you." I offered the paper to Jimin, who took it inbetween his little thumb and forefinger that had shiny silver rings on.

"I see. You'd be best finding King Jeongguk. I'm sorry, but I can't help you." He smiled again, handing it back.

"Thank you. It's okay, I appreciate your advice. I will see you later, your majesty."

"You're welcome. He'll be in the weapon room, currently."

I kissed his hand, saying goodbye before heading back to my room. Hopefully Hoseok will still be here.

"Hoseok? You in here?" I called, walking into the room.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Can I come with you to the weapon room? I need to see Jungkook."


He grabbed his blazer before walking out.

"So what do you do in weapon checking?" I asked, realising the name gave it away slightly. "Apart from the obvious, of course."

He laughed, "I, or whoever is on duty, check the bullets and how well they fire. I then line them up for a purpose, for example, the sharp ones go in snipers. I also sharpen the blades and make sure the metal has not rusted or is dirty from blood. I check the guns to see if anything is stuck. Occasionally, I check over the brass knuckles, making sure they're clean. King Jungkook rarely uses them but he does every so often."

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