thirty six

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Yoongi's PoV;

I looked at Jimin with wide eyes, seeing him looking at me with the exact same look on his face.

Jungkook shot his parents? 

I knew his mother died of a bullet to the brain, but everyone was told that it was off his father, who then shot himself.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to Jimin as Jungkook argued with Jung-hyun.

"Is he lying?" He whispered back.

Jin shook his head, "it would make perfect sense for him to tell the truth."

"Why would he lie to his brother?" Namjoon said.

"This is so fucked. First, Jin is held at knife point and then we discover it's Taehyung. Who then admits to cheating on Jungkook and pretty much calling Kai a rapist. Jung-hyun and Jungkook's uncle appear and now Jungkook admits to killing his parents." Hoseok whispered in shock, rubbing his temples.

"Has Jungkook ever hinted to killing his parents? Or when he was younger, did he ever say he wanted to?" Namjoon asked Jimin, who shook his head in response.

"Not a thing. I remember seeing him the day after it happened, but he seemed alright. He wasn't sad or guilty. He was just Jungkook." He said, carding his hand through his hair as he shakily exhaled.

"Take one fucking step closer and I will blow your fucking brains out." The uncle said, pointing his gun at Jungkook, who was slowly tiptoeing over to him.

I narrowed my eyes as his hands shook, the gun trembling in his hands as Jungkook's fingers extended, reaching for the pistol.

"I'll be taking this." He said as he picked it out of his hands, turning it on Jung-hyun.

"Jungkook, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked, unsure of his mental stability.

"Being a fucking fruit loop. Quit it." Hoseok answered for Jungkook, walking over to him.

Jung-hyun turned his gun away from Jungkook, pointing it at Hoseok.

"Go back." He commanded.

"Don't fucking tell him what to do." Jungkook murmured.

Hoseok looked at the two, before walking over to us again.

"He's fucking lost it, I swear. Something's snapped. We need to leave now, before he does something he regrets." Hoseok said, looking worried.

"Jungkook! Come on, leave 'em behind." Jin's soothing voice called out, not wavering even when Jungkook pointed his gun at him, "don't be silly."

Taehyung licked his lips, looking at Jungkook and then Jin. I watched him take a deep breath, walking over to Jungkook.

That was dangerous. That is not a good idea.

"Ppang! Come over here." Jin's voice called out again, catching Taehyung's attention but left Jungkook unphased, gun still pointed at Jin.

Taehyung shook his head, continuing the slow walk to Jungkook.

"Hey, Jungkook." He waved his hand infront of Jungkook's face.

"Not now Tae. This bastard is trying to kill me, look at the knife in his hand." Jungkook's eyes never left Jin.

I looked at Jin, seeing his hands were empty.

The uncle smirked, spinning an empty syringe in his hands.

Alarmed, I looked at everyone else to see if they'd seen it too, but they clearly hadn't.

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