fifty five

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Taehyung's PoV;

"Jungkook, please. I'm your sister." Jeong-ja pleaded.

"You're my half sister." Jungkook replied, a pedantic tone swimming in his voice.

"That shouldn't matter, please I'm begging you."

Jeong-ja was currently attempting to convince Jungkook that she was pregnant and desperately needed somewhere to stay.

I looked at how similar the three of them looked, some form of Jeon blood coursing through each of their veins.

Jeong-ja and Jung-hyun looked more alike compared to Jungkook, who didn't really look like either of them.

Jungkook was the only one who didn't look like their father. He looked like his mother, his features soft and delicate, and his body frame petite and tall.

Jung-hyun was shorter, more stocky. Built a little bit like a rugby player. Probably his only good feature, compared to his strangely high-pitched and whiny voice and weirdly shaped hands.

Jeong-ja was tall-ish, slightly average. She wasn't skinny, nor curvy, she was just 'there.'

Jungkook crossed his arms, glaring at the two.

"No. Both of you told me that you were ashamed of me and that I was a disgrace. You were disgusted in me because you thought I'd never make it to the top of the mafia, being a pathetic little boy. Just because I'm four years younger. Fuck the both of you, go back to uncle." He snarled, throwing nasty looks at his siblings.

Me and Jimin looked on, worried, whilst Yoongi watched with a defensive posture and face.

Yoongi really didn't like Jeong-ja in the slightest and Jimin hated Jung-hyun with every fibre of his being, and has done since he was young.

"We can't." Jung-hyun said.

"Why not?" Jungkook sighed, exasperated.

"He's run away. He got caught up with all these men hunting him down for debt, even some men all the way in Geochang and Busan. They're hunting after us and I can't harm this baby."

"And you think that I'm gonna let you stay in my house, where you'll bring the danger to my servants?" Jungkook asked sarcastically, emphasising 'my', "not a fucking chance."

Jeong-ja suddenly pulled out a gun, startling everyone as she held it against Jungkook's temple, who simply sighed in annoyance, completely unbothered.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Taemin shouted, "what the fuck are you doing?"

"Wasting her time." Jungkook replied to Taemin, gesturing for him to shoo or sit down, "if you're supposedly pregnant, why in the everliving fuck are you holding a gun to my head?"

"I'm making you see sense."

"For some reason, I'm not convinced that this is the right way to do it." Jungkook commented, sarcasm drowning in his words.

"Well, aren't you scared?" Jeong-ja asked breathlessly, confusion painted on her harsh facial features.

"Why would I be scared? If you shoot me, do you think that my thirteen servants currently residing in my house, not to mention the armed staff, are going to let you live?"

"They can't kill me if I'm pregnant." Jeong-ja said, a patronizing voice sounding throughout the room.

"The thing is though, you're not fucking pregnant."

"I'm a few months gone."

"Well, you're looking awfully slim for someone who should be showing by now."

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