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Tae's PoV;

"We serve Prince Park Jimin, but overall we serve in the household of King Jeongguk. Who is preferably referred to as Jungkook." Namjoon explained as we walked through the hallways of the mansion.

"You will just adapt to the needs of Master Jimin or Master Jungkook when wanted to. You'll be given a list of chores each morning and then you will have free time. During this, you can be where you want or do what you want, as long as you've done your chores. Your chores are personalised, along with when your free time is." Jin opened the door for us, following after.

"It should also be mentioned that you're part of the mafia. We do not get involved in conflict often, but there is the possibility that the house will get attacked. If this is the case, we protect Prince Jimin."

"When will I meet Prince Jimin or King Jungkook?" I asked.

"We are introducing you to Prince Jimin today. You will probably bump into King Jungkook, he's constantly busy so we don't know for definite when you'll see him."

"I haven't seen him in over three months." Jin laughed.

I nodded, following them into the hall.

I watched as they all bowed before a man sat on a throne.

Grey hair, parted slightly to the side. Full, pink lips. Dressed in a grey suit with a black shirt underneath.


"Prince Jimin." They all said in harmony and I quickly bowed to copy them.

Completely out of sync with the others. Not even close.

"Good morning. Who is this?" He asked.

"We handpicked this young man from the underground last night, I'll let him introduce himself. Here's his details." Yoongi handed him the paper.

I walked up to the throne, taking Jimin's hand in mine, kissing his knuckles.

I bowed before speaking, "good morning, Prince Jimin. My name is Kim Taehyung."

"You have good mannerisms. Can you tell me some more about yourself?"

I nodded, "of course. I'm twenty one years old. I speak three languages, English and Korean fluently, French confidently. Korean is my native tongue. I stand at five foot, ten and a half inches and my weight is sixty seven kilograms."

"Interesting. You're a very intelligent man. Has he met Ki-"

"Get down!" A deep voice yelled, running into the room with a gun, covered with a dark green cloak.

Jimin flinched and Jin and Hoseok immediately ran over, standing in front of Suga, who was guarding Jimin. Namjoon stood, hands on a gun.

"Who are you?" He asked bravely, voice not even wavering as he stared directly at the hooded figure.

"Drop your weapon!" He threatened Namjoon with the gun, shooting a blank at the floor.

Namjoon hesitantly dropped the gun, mouthing something at the other two.

"Get down! All of you, including you Park Jimin. Waste of air."

They all gulped, kneeling on the floor.

"You! With the blonde hair! Floor, now!"

I dropped to the floor, slightly shaking.

"Where is h-" His sentence stopped and I could hear liquid dripping.

Did he stab someone?


I peeked over at Namjoon, who was covering Jimin alongside the other two. No blood near any of them.

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