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Chapter 12-

Team Kakashi spent the rest of their mission in Kumogakure by exploring the markets and being toured around the village by the jinchuriki, Killer Bee. Mostly though, it was Sai and Naruto who went along with him while Kakashi and Yamato went off on their own. After exactly three days they were finally summoned by the Raikage and received the reply meant for the Hokage, which meant that its members could now go home. It was mid-day when the team checked out of the Fukuzawa Inn. While the rest of the team waited for him outside, Sai stayed behind a few minutes to finalize their leave. He signed his name at the front desk and thanked Fuyuko for the service. The girl appeared to pout.

"Leaving so soon?" she asked, taking the room keys from his hand, letting her fingers linger on his skin. "Such a shame. We rarely get foreign customers from the Leaf. You're the most interesting so far."

Sai resisted the urge to frown. This girl couldn't seem to get the hint that he wasn't interested. Whenever he was at the inn, she made excuses to get close to him; for the past three mornings, she had been coming into the room he shared with Naruto "to make sure" that they had enough soap; she would talk loudly to another employee underneath his room's window, hoping he would pay attention; and whenever he was at the balcony with his sketchpad and pencil, she would suddenly appear below and appear to "assist" the gardener when in truth, she was trying to get him to notice her. He even swore that he saw her at the market stands where he and Naruto were looking around for souvenirs. But of course, none of her tactics worked; our Sai was very faithful to his beloved back in Konohagakure.

"Well, yes," he replied. "We finished our mission after all."

When he let out a soft, solemn sigh, Fuyuko tilted her head to the side in curiosity. "What's the matter?" Grinning, she leaned closer, her low v-neck shirt showing a little cleavage. "You don't want to leave?" she asked, rather hopefully.

Sai shook his head and picked up his backpack from the floor. "On the contrary, I'm quite glad to be returning home." Saying this, an idea popped into his head. Flashing his bright smile that made her clutch the desk for support, he continued. "I miss my girlfriend. I'm just upset that I wasn't able to get her something pretty to make up for the days that I was not by her side."

At his mention of Sakura, Fuyuko's smile dipped into a frown. "Oh, you have a girlfriend," she seemed to scoff.

Nodding happily, Sai said, "Yes. I looked forward to seeing her again." He bowed. "Thank you for your services, Fuyuko-san. We may see you again if we are assigned another mission here; at least now we know where we could go."

Fuyuko flashed him a strained smile. "I look forward to it then."

With another bow of his head, Sai quickly turned on his heels and walked out of the inn. Naruto grinned as he came up to them. As Kakashi and Yamato led the way to the gates, Naruto stepped closer to his dark-haired teammate.

"Let me guess, she tried to seduce you again?" the blonde whispered.

Sai only sighed. "She's worse than a kunoichi on a seduction mission."

Chuckling, Naruto clamped him on the back. "Good for you, buddy. I wonder how Sakura-chan will react?"

Sai shrugged. "If she wasn't pregnant, probably travel all the way here and confront the girl with her fists."

Before she even became his girlfriend, Sai was fully aware how jealous Sakura could be. That was why the matter with Kimiko-san rather surprised him; she managed to be friends with the woman who caused the final break-up between her and her ex-boyfriend. However, Sai was glad that Sakura handled the situation without the use of her monstrous strength. But sometimes though, her jealousy would resurface; as to why she would be jealous of random girls who came across the two of them as they walked through the village together, he wasn't certain; maybe it was a pregnancy thing? He must admit though, Sakura was very cute when she was jealous. He only wished he had gotten her something to show her that he didn't forget her while he was away.

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