What now ?

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did, then it's SaixSakura all the way. I'm still praying for it.

The Color Pink

Chapter 2- What now?

Ino didn't know what to do. Sakura had broken down in front of her before whenever she had a fight with Sasuke. They were fre-nemies but Ino was always there for her. She wouldn't admit it but Sakura was one of her dearest friends and she saw her as a sort of role model. She was a strong-willed kunoichi. But at the news that she was pregnant, Ino didn't know what she could do to make her pink-haired friend stop crying. All she could manage was rub her back in what she hoped was soothing.

"W-What do I do, Ino?" Sakura sobbed. "H-How could I let this happen?"

"Well... On the bright side... At least you and Sasuke are no longer together, so it's not like you cheated on him," Ino blurted out, without thinking.

This made Sakura cry even more. Ino, in alarm, tried to backtrack. "Um... Why don't you go to Tsunade-sama? You know, these things can be wrong sometimes. You never know. And even if you are pregnant, I'm sure she'll help you figure out what to do."

Sniffling, Sakura considered it. "I-I guess." She flashed the blonde a weak smile. "Will you go with me?"

Returning the smile, Ino nodded. "Of course, forehead."

Inside the Hokage tower, Shizune stood behind her superior, anxiously awaiting the results of her examination of Sakura. It should have been done at the hospital where it was much more appropriate, but the pink-haired kunoichi insisted that she be examined right there and then. The Hokage finished scribbling the results of the examination on the form and set her pen down.

"Well Sakura, it's confirmed." Tsunade linked her hands together and placed them under her chin. Her face held a look of seriousness as she watched her favorite apprentice. "You're six weeks pregnant."

With those words, Sakura broke down. Ino placed an around her shoulders and rubbed her back. The blonde gave the Hokage a helpless look. "So the test wasn't wrong? You're sure?"

"I'm positive. She's with child." Tsunade sighed. Sakura was a good kid and responsible as well. Getting pregnant was the most unexpected action from her. But then again, she was an eighteen-year old, young woman and mistakes happen. "Now, what are you going to do?"

"Well, she was hoping you would tell her," Ino answered.

Tsunade chuckled. "I'm not the one who's going to have the child. But if you want my advice, tell the father and discuss what to do with him. That reminds me, Sakura, honey." The Hokage stood up and went around her desk to kneel in front of the kunoichi. She took her hand and said in a gentle voice, "I'm not being nosy or anything but this is standard procedure. You have to tell me the name of the father."

Sakura nervously looked up to her mentor's face and bit her lip. "I-I... Can I please not tell you, shishou?"

Tsunade shook her head. "I'm sorry, Sakura but this has to go on file. Don't worry, it's strictly confidential. No on else will see it unless he has your consent."

Lips trembling, Sakura whispered a name.

"What was that, honey?"

"I-It's... It's Sai."

Shizune gasped as Tsunade jumped back in surprise. Then, she grinned and patted Sakura's hand. "I see." She went back to her desk and scribbled his name down. "Well, it's about time."

"Eh?" Sakura gave her teacher a curious look.

The Hokage simply waved a hand. "Nothing. Forget what I said. Now, are you going to tell him?"

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