Separation anxiety

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Chapter 11-

A/N: sorry that I didn't update I have school , and my graduation is on June 2

Morning light filtered through the curtained windows and splayed across the wooden floorboards. Slowly and delicately, Sakura's eyes fluttered open. Instinctively, one of her hands flew to her stomach, caressing softly. Closing her eyes again, she turned to her side, her other hand groping the space next to her. Realizing that the spot was empty, her eyes flew open and all they met were the baby blue covers and matching pillow. Groaning softly, she rose out of bed and stretched before padding to the door. The smell of rice and eggs met her nostrils. At the delicious aroma, she sighed and headed to the kitchen. Sai was just placing some scrambled eggs and rice onto a plate when she entered.

"Mmm... smells great," she said, coming up next to him. "Ohayou, Sai-kun."

"Ohayou," he replied, kissing her forehead. "Right on time for breakfast, Sakura-chan."

Although he messed up in cooking odango for her a month ago, Sakura discovered that Sai at least knew how to cook breakfast decently enough for her to eat. Of the one month that they had been living together, he took responsibility in cooking her breakfast every morning.

Since that first time he spent the night at her apartment, Sai had taken to sleeping at her place and rarely went home except to shower and change clothes. Within three weeks, her apartment had basically turned into his new home so Sakura suggested that he move in with her; besides, her apartment was bigger than his and he spent more time at Sakura's than at his own place. A week later, he sold his apartment as well as the furniture, took his personal belongings, art supplies, and paintings, and moved in. Sakura's once bare walls were now filled with Sai's works and the empty guest room became his studio, at least for the time being; both planned to turn it into the baby's room as soon as Sakura reached her seventh month, and they had two months to plan it.

"Are you ready for your check-up today?" Sai asked, drying the dishes.

"Ready than I have ever been," she replied, beaming as she handed him another plate. Then, her smile dwindled a little. "What time are you leaving for your mission?"

Sai had been given a mission with Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato. They were to deliver some important documents to the Raikage of Kumogakure and would be gone for approximately five days unless something came up while they were there.

"Before sundown tonight," he answered, sounding depressed.

He hated being away from her. A few weeks ago, he suggested filing for leave until she gave birth. But his beloved refused. Sai was a shinobi and he shouldn't sacrifice that just to take care of her. Sakura needed him, but she knew he had a duty to the village. Sai, as usual, gave in but requested that Tsunade give him missions that did not require him to leave for long periods of time until the baby comes. This, Sakura agreed to.

Noticing the sudden depressing atmosphere, Sai took her hand and smiled genuinely the best he could. "But I'll be back soon."

Though seeing that his smile was fake, Sakura returned it anyhow. "I know."

And with that, the two proceeded with their morning routines.

"... there you go, Sakura," Tsunade said, helping her down from the bed. "You're all set. Next check-up is on the twentieth of March. That good for you?"

The pinkette nodded. "Hai, shishou. Arigatou."

"Arigatou, Tsunade-sama," Sai said, coming up next to Sakura. "We'll be going now."

They motioned to leave when Tsunade stopped them. "Wait, Sai. I have to talk to you for a minute."

Sakura turned her head to him, curiously. His face itself held a look of confusion.

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