He's my Big Bad Wolf: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

“If you are going to be the Alpha White, you are going to need to gain some confidence kid. Hi, I’m Ted. Resident doctor and your second oldest brother. If you ever need help, come to me. I give good advice.” He was the oddball, brown hair and moss green eyes. The rest of us had a mix of blue and grey that pierced the air around us. He looked trustworthy while the rest of us just looked fierce. Although, I wouldn’t doubt his ability to be fierce.

“Did you get your looks from mom?” I felt my torso starting to shake slightly. I had so many questions, so many things that I just wanted answered here and now. Now. I turned to my father and looked him in the eyes. “Tell me the truth. Why did you and mom leave me? I still remember parts of it. Waking up and Auntie Trish was making me pancakes, not mom. I cried for weeks. I hated it there. Did you know that? As a parent how could you leave me? Let me get confused when I smell things that normal people can’t, Let me have nightmares of you ripping apart poachers when I was six years old! What happened to mom?!”

It was then that I realized how much I needed to control myself.

As an all white wolf I was standing in front of my father, nostrils flaring. I wouldn’t divert my eyes from my fathers, but I could feel my muzzle, I could feel my claws digging into the white sheets and comforter. This obviously wasn’t a dog bed. My senses felt so unnatural. I could even smell the scent on the feathers, half mostly detergent but I could still smell some kind of farm smell. I could smell all of their sweat, I could almost taste their emotions. I guess that was the linked part. Chris and Conner were more amused than anything, Mikael seemed worried for my stability as a wolf, Ted just seemed to be ashamed of father. Then my father Kent was just sitting there angry, I couldn’t tell if it was at me or at himself.  The anger was raw and pure. How dare he! He had no idea what I went through as a kid. He didn’t care. But my anger was starting to subside, and the pain was settling in.

“And how do we calm her down?” Chris laughed, “Jeez dad, you had to know that she wasn’t going to be exactly thrilled to see everyone.”

“She wont be able to hold it much longer, it hurts. Her bones will probably only last another few seconds.”

“Listen. I just got a sister. I don’t want to see her naked. Can we please leave?” Mikael spoke with an uncomfortable look spreading across his face. “She will probably want to cry once it’s over too. It hurts her.”

He could see it in my eyes, my father was right. It was hard enough for me to keep holding it, but I managed until they were all gone and the door closed.

Mikael couldn’t have been more right.

I collapsed into the covers I had almost shredded, naked and sobbing. My bones were numb yet buzzing with pain. All I wanted was Jace. To hold me. Hold me until the pain was nonexistent and I could sleep for hours wrapped up in his muscles and warm skin. I wanted to wake up with him asleep and wrapped up next to me so I could watch his chest rise and fall while I  listen to his little baby snores.

I fell asleep dreaming of him next to me.

I woke up crying. My dream had twisted to a nightmare, Jace was dating Lauren. He had moved on. He didn’t care about me. He just wanted a girlfriend for senior year. I shook those thoughts out of my mind.

Jace is different. He had always been different. He loved me, more than anyone else ever had.

That’s why I had to let him go, I had to protect him and get him away from me. I knew he wasn’t my mate, it just didn’t happen that way. He was a human, and I could probably only mate with a wolf from a high pack, something that will carry on a strong blood line.

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