We went home and worked with dealing with finding the person that killed Sara. I started to text Barry about the fact that he is dating my dad.

Peyton: I know who you're dating

Barry: I'm not dating anyone, Peyton

Peyton: Try again, I know that you are dating my dad

Barry: I'm not???

Peyton: Dude, it's okay. I ship you

Barry: Ship us?

Peyton: Your relation(ship) :)

Barry: Oh. Are you sure that you're okay with me dating your dad?

Peyton: Definitely, You need to come over. We need to talk

Barry: Fine. I'm leaving in 30 minutes

Peyton: See you in hour, pizza will be waiting

Barry: Yeah, food!

I smiled and ordered 7 pizzas, 5 for Barry and one for me and one of Oliver. Then the doorbell rang 5 minutes before Barry should get there, Oliver got up to answer. He payed for the pizzas and set them on the table.

"Peyton, why did you order 7 pizzas?"

"5 for Barry who should be here any minute know, One for you and one for me." I state and look for my pizza. I pass Oliver's cheese pizza and start to eat my Hawaiian pizza. The doorbell rings and I run up and greet Barry.

"Get your ass in here." I say.

"Peyton, language." Oliver reprimands. He looks over and sees Barry. His face changes instantly. "Hey Barry. What are you doing here?"

"Dude, I know." I say sitting, Barry sits next to Oliver and grabs a pizza.

"Know what?" Oliver almost starts to choke on his pizza.

"Ollie, she knows we're dating." He grabs my dad's hand and squeezes it before speed eating a bunch of food. "Food first." He kisses Oliver's cheek who is still kinda in shock.

"Peyton, how?" He asks.

"You disappear and come back looking really happy. You smile whenever Barry's name in mentioned. Not that hard to figure out." I shrug and take another bit of pineapple and ham pizza.

"Okay," Oliver says eating some pizza.

"I'm going to steal Barry for like 5 minutes, have fun Dad." I say grabbing Barry's hand and dragging him to the terris. "How long?"

"Since I woke up."

"Do you love him?" I ask getting all the hard questions out of the way.

"Yes, but I know that Oliver isn't going to love me as much as he loves you and Thea." Barry says.

"I know he loves you. And he loves you in a different what than he loves me. He loves me like a daughter and he loves you like the most perfect person in the world. Trust me I know what I see in my dad's eyes. Just so you know if you hurt him, I will hurt you even worse. You can't stop me, Flash." I threaten.

"I won't." He gives me a hug. I look inside and see Oliver watching us. "Let's go back inside, it's cold out here." I laugh and we walk inside. Barry walks over and gives Oliver a kiss.

"We are watching a movie. Get your buts onto the couch and we can watch something together." I say. Barry sighs and pulls Oliver onto the couch before snuggling up next to him. I put the movie in and started some popcorn. Barry and Oliver talking softly as the previews played on the screen. I took a picture of them being really cute and saved it for their wedding.

I brought the popcorn over and sat on the bean bag that I got since I don't really like sitting on chairs and after a while the floor gets hard. Barry grabbed a handful of popcorn and ate as we watched Ice Age. Throughout the movie Barry and Oliver stole kisses from one another. The movie finished and I walked back to my room. I am so glad that my room is at the other end of the apartment.

Morning came and I got up early like usual and moved down to the kitchen. I walked in and found Oliver and Barry cooking. More like Oliver cooking and Barry passing him things and kissing him every few ingredients.

"Good morning Peyton." Barry chirps.

"Hi Dad. Hi Barry." I say sitting at the stool for the counter. Oliver passed me a plate of pancakes and bacon. I ate and then handed my plate to Barry who was speed washing the dishes and left for school.

After a month of two Barry moved in. He said that it was easier if he moves to Star than for us to move to Central. I'm still the only one that knows about them dating. Barry has an apartment in Central that he stays in quite often just so that Joe or Iris don't get too suspicious.

"Peyton?" My dad says coming up next to me doing my homework on the floor of the apartment. I had just gotten home from gymnastics. Thea came home and she paid for my lessons. She had the apartment next to us. Somehow she hasn't talked about the face that Barry is here constantly.

"Yea? What's up?"

"Do you like Barry?" He looks almost nervous.

"Yes? Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. Would you be okay with me proposing to him?" He plays with a lose sting on his shirt.

"What?! Really?" He looks up surprised.

"You're okay with it?"

"Dad, Barry has already surpassed my expectations for anyone worthy of you. Barry is a lot better than my last step-dad and I know that he never will be like him." I say grabbing my dad's hands. "You love Barry, Barry loves you. Why would I have a problem with that?" He looks at me and smiles.

"Thanks. Finish you homework and let's go to the Foundry." He says standing.

"Make food." I demand. He agrees.

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