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The next day all I could think about was that my friends were officially ignoring me. When I walked into the main hall of the school, I was greeted by Liam's arm slung over my shoulder.

"How was your evening?" He asked.

"I did some homework and went to bed." I shrugged, cocking my eyebrow. He removed his arm to open the classroom door for me. I couldn't help but smile at this gesture, he followed me into the classroom and sat at the desk next to mine.

"So, is there anyway I can get your phone number?" His voice broke the silence. I felt the heat in my face, nodding my head and writing down my phone number on a piece of paper.

The class filled with students and our teacher began the lesson. She wanted us to do some easy worksheets to prepare us for the book assignment tomorrow. We were given a short story and a mock-book report to fill out. Liam and I were the first ones to complete the activity, as he's had this class before and my favorite subject is English.

I was so glad the day was going by quickly. Before I knew it, I was sitting at a table eating my lunch with Liam, Niall and Zayn. Louis was gone today, I guess he always skips classes according to Zayn. I spotted Harry making his way to our table, an annoyed look on his face. Again, he completely ignored me while he complained about something I didn't particularly care about.

After school, I sat on a swing in the park down the street from the school. My Mom was working late today and I had to wait for my father to pick me up. All the boys were with me, Niall and Liam were sitting on the swings on next to me, Zayn was standing close by, leaning on the poles that held the swing up. Harry was sitting on the squishy tar and throwing pebbles, occasionally speaking in his annoyed tone. There were two girls with us, their names were Ellie and Noelle. Both of them were like the boys, and sort of seeing two of them, as well. Noelle didn't go to our school, but Ellie did; I had her in my fourth class. Noelle had a sleeve of tattoos, as well as a pattern down one side of her leg, visible by her jean shorts, and tank top. She had a piercing above her top lip and a stud in her nose. It seemed like her whole ear was full of metal. Pink hair sat atop her head.

Ellie didn't have many tattoos, just a few small doodles scattered up and down her arms from what I could when she rolled her sleeves up. She had a nose ring and a few streaks of dark red in her brown hair. She was a more toned down version of the boys, it was more classy. I liked it.

Of course, I was glad I wasn't the only girl in the group we had formed. I had a few short conversations with them, mainly about me and where I came from.

That's when Harry spoke up.

"I'm going to host a party on Friday." He informed, the boys whooping with agreement. I dug my heels into the tar under my swing. There was no way I was going to a party, I don't think my parents would allow it right now. Especially since they don't know these boys even exist.

"I can't go." I blurted.

"Who said you were invited?" A voice cut through me like a knife. My eyes darted to Harry, who was the one that spoke. It was like someone crushed my heart and threw it on the ground. My feelings were hurt, to say the least.

I stood up and grabbed my bag, walking off toward the school. I'd rather wait for my dad alone, without being treated like dirt under someones boot. I sat down on a bench and let out a sigh, my eyes burned from the tears that were threatening to form. I kept them fixated on my lap as I fiddled with my fingers. I felt someone sit next to me, by the look of their uniform I knew it was one of the boys. I only turned my head away from them, hurt that they didn't try to stick up for me in that moment.

"Alright," I was surprised to hear Harry's voice. "I'm sorry I said that. I know you said you aren't coming, but you're still welcome to if you want." I could hear the apologetic tone in his voice. I turned my head, obviously annoyed as I shot up from my seat and leant over slightly.

"I know you don't like me. But, whatever's going on in your life, you don't have to take it out on me all the god damn time. You weren't even decent enough to introduce yourself to me, or at least acknowledge my existence, when we first met. Then, the first thing you ever say to me is-" I was throwing my hands around as I was giving him a piece of my mind. He cut me off by grabbing my hands to stop me from doing that. I ripped them out of his hands and scoffed, turning to find another spot to sit. I was stopped by a hand grabbing my arm.

"Will you stop, Emmalee. I'm trying to apologize to you." He spoke, saying my full name annoyed me even more. How did he even know my name, let alone my full name.

"I just want to know why you would even say something like that to me?" I asked, turning to face him. That's when I realized he shared the same tone of green eyes that I did. I guess I was never close enough to realize this, or he never looked me in the eyes.

"Guess I was taking out my problems on you, like you said. And I don't hate you, trust me. I wouldn't even hang around you if I didn't like you, let alone hated you." He rolled his eyes and smirked for the first time, a small dimple poking into his cheek. The hurt and annoyance I felt almost completely melted away and I returned the smiled. For the first time, I felt nervous to be around Harry.

Seeing his smile made my cheeks heat up, I saw the genuine side of Harry just now. I hope the part of him sticks around, because I enjoyed it. He began walking back to the park with me, but I spotted my dads car rolling down the street and I quickly said goodbye. I waved him down, walking over to the car.

"Hey Em, how was school?" He asked when I slid in the car. I felt a smile creep onto my face, remembering what happened.

"It was alright. My friends invited me to a party on Friday, but I turned them down." I sighed, glancing at my group of friends as we drove by.

"Why'd you say that?" He asked, my eyebrows shot up in shock.

"Because, I knew you and mom wouldn't let me go? You don't even know them." I replied.

"Considering you made friends, we would have let you go. But, if you don't want to, that's fine too." Okay. Who body-snatched my Dad?

"Who are you and what have you done to my dad?" I asked, concerned. My dad laughed as he spun the volume dial on the radio. When we got home, I realized I didn't get a text from Liam at all, today. Maybe he forgot, but that was alright with me.

But, as I finished my thoughts on that, a text came through from an unrecognized number.

Are you doin ok?

I thought, I should leave it alone for now. Considering the homework I have and how exhausted I was, all I wanted to do was grind out my work and then go right to bed. So, I did exactly that and was asleep before the sun could even set.


Here is another revised chapter! I hope you like it better than the old one.

A quick bit of news for everyone! I might not get around to updating the next revised chapters for a while. My uncle's surgeon has pushed his surgery to 8 AM today (considering its 3 AM as we speak), he has a 50% chance of surviving and I'm trying to stay positive for him.

Also, a minor update for me. This weekend was a bit of a hard one for me. I have been having some intense back pains for a few weeks. Friday night I actually passed TWO kidney stones, but was still having really incredible back pains so my Mom took me to the ER at like 4 AM on Saturday.

Turns out, I had about 30+ stones and they all kind of just merged with each other. So, I had surgery to blast them apart and then they blew them up with shock waves. I'm a bit sore, but I'm doing alright.

Anyways, I love you guys so much! Please vote this story and follow me, it would mean so much.

So much love as always!

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