Chapter 26 - Last farewell

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Sanna averted her eyes, trying to gulp down the tears, but they already slid down her cheeks.

I felt horribly helpless as I watched them, not knowing what to say or do to make this easier on them.

"Just be here for them - that is enough," Yannik whispered in my ear, knowing exactly what I needed to hear.

I squeezed Sanna against me even tighter, giving her the warmth of my body.

She sighed quietly "It's snowing again."

I looked upwards, feeling soft snowflakes melting on my face. The ground was already covered with a white blanket, snow crunching beneath our shoes as we moved restlessly.

"Sam hated snow." Sanna went quiet for a moment, her look distant, lost in the memories "She said it was like her soul, cold and lonely."

"I suppose it is if you see only one side of it. But if you look deeper it also carries an exquisite beauty, so bright it's almost harsh on the eyes. It gives me the feeling of endlessness and eternity."

Sanna's lips curved upwards as she closed her eyes breathing in the cool air "You're right, it is magnificent." Her eyes darted over the distant mountains, their peeks glistening in the afternoon sun.

Maximillian stepped out of the crowd. His usual vibrant and powerful frame sagged and his eyes clouded with grief.

He stopped in front of the bodies wrapped up in white linen, taking a deep breath. "My friends, we gathered here today to express our last farewell to our loved ones." His eyes met each and one of us as he spoke. "Samantha, Lex, Liam, and Kellan each represented an important part of our family. No matter how horrible our loss has been, or whatever the reasons were, I beg of you to let go of resentments and hate you carry in your hearts. To let go of doubts and guilt plaguing your souls. Let this be what it's supposed to be - a grieving of those we loved, we still love as they will always stay within us, in our hearts and memories." He clasped his hands before him as he continued "I can promise you that souls of those who carried a light inside of them are safe and at peace in Paradise. And of those who didn't are being fairly punished in the land of the Damned. Our duty isn't to judge those who wronged us or those who we loved but to cherish their memories as they once were - pure and good. There isn't a soul which wasn't created with a speck of goodness, bravery and compassion."

He turned back to the bodies, lying on the soft, snowy ground. "We part with you with tears in our eyes and we vow to you that even though our paths are separating, there will be the time and place we shall meet again." He slowly bent down, selecting the bright red rose among the flowers lying in the basket. Closing his eyes, he softly murmured his goodbyes, gently placing the rose on the ground next to the bodies.

He nodded to the closest standing behind him, slowly stepping away.

Ria kneeled on the ground, her shoulders shaking wildly with sobs. She was squeezing a delicate white rose between her fingers, not minding drops of blood as thorns embedded in her hands. She kissed the rose, tenderly placing the flower on the ground. "I will never forget you." She whispered in a broken voice. Traxx gripped her shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug as she violently wept against his chest.

I cast a glance at Sanna, who still stood close beside me. Her face was ghostly white as she drew deep breaths, trying to hold down the tears. I took her under the arm, steering her forwards. She suddenly broke and her body almost slumped to the ground if Elliot and I wouldn't be supporting her.

I didn't try to say meaningless things like everything would be fine because only time will partially heal our hearts. And time was the most important quantity we needed to lick our wounds and only then-carry our scars with reminiscence and pride.

I picked out the striking yellow flower, reminding me of the bright sunlight, placing it next to Sanna's.

I am sorry for I failed to protect you, I am sorry I was too late and I am sorry I brought this on you. But mostly I regret not meeting you sooner Sam because you would be one of those friends, who are simply irreplaceable.

Lex I haven't got the chance to really to get to know you, but I wish you peace and happiness, wherever you might be.

Liam, I believe your heart was pure once, before malice and threats destroyed your mind. May you be reunited with the loved ones you once lost.

As for you Kellan, I will try to forgive you, to see the person we all wanted to see in you, even if it was a lie. I refused to think of the evil and bitterness I saw reflecting in your eyes, of violence and desire of revenge. But I don't know if I can hold on to my promise.

I glanced at the bodies once more, entrusting Yannik to lead me away. I numbly watched as everybody said their farewells, forming a wide circle around the deceased.

Once more Maximillian stepped in front of the crowd, stopping right where the bodies lied.

"I release your souls. Farewell, my friends." He whispered as he closed his eyes and lifted his hands before him.

I couldn't help but gasp at the sight of what happened next. A bright white light appeared, hovering above the chests of deceased.

Just as I thought that intense light will burn my eyes it suddenly disappeared.

Bodies, covered in linen slowly started to crack like porcelain mannequins, particles of dust softly lifting into the cold air. I watched in awe as bodies shattered into million pieces, sparkling as they floated straight up, mixing with the snow.

My eyes welled up with sadness as I watched their bodies materializing into nothingness, becoming once more the part of the earth. I clutched Sanna even tighter, looking into her melancholic eyes fixed on the sky.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Daniel moving away, his face twisted with grief as he disappeared into the building.

I wondered what he must have felt when his other half died even though their bond was only one-sided. Did he regret not being with her? For not taking a chance to allow himself to feel something for her?

I felt sorry for Daniel since he didn't get the opportunity to experience that kind of love you would do anything for.

I glanced at Yannik, feeling grateful I fund him along this pandemonium I've experienced in the last six months.

I've lost many, but I've also gained a lot and if this is the fate that is meant to be mine, then I wouldn't change it for anything.

When Yannik sensed my eyes on him, he gently put his arms around me. "It's over Korina. It's done and over with."

"No." I whispered "That was only the beginning Yannik. And you know what?"

He questioningly tilted his head to the side "What?"

"Everything will be all right - as long as I have you by my side."

He smiled at me, love reflecting in his eyes as he watched me "There isn't a place that I would rather be."

I squeezed his hand as we headed back inside - to the place that became part of my heart, my home.



I would like to thank you for your reads :D This is the last chapter in this book, I hope you liked it! If you would like a sequel please just comment! If you liked this story you can check out my other book Ashlyn's choice :) Thank youu!!

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