Almost as quick as it started, the day was done and I was free. I gathered my things and sat outside, waiting for my Mom to come and pick me up. I stared at my unanswered texts to my old friends and bit my lip to avoid emotion.

"Hey, Emma." A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I watched as Liam and Zayn came over and sat with me. "How was your first day at Winchester?" Zayn asked.

"It was alright. I just really miss my old school, y'know?" I sighed, putting my phone in my bag.

"I'm sorry. You have us boys, we will make you feel as welcomed as possible." Liam smiled, wrapping his arm around me and squeezing. I couldn't help but blurt out the first thing on my mind.

"So, is Harry always like that or was it just a bad day?"

The boys froze for a second, looking at each other before Liam finally spoke up. "Harry is an acquired taste. Once you get to know him and he gets to know you, I'm sure you two will be good friends."

I shrugged and stared off into the distance, watching kids getting picked up and leaving. Zayn and Liam had a full conversation while I spaced out. It took someone pointing out my phone buzzing in my backpack to notice it, I was quick to whip it out. Instead of an old friend, my Mom's caller I.D flashed on my screen.

"Okay, I gotta go. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I departed, rushing down the line of cars until the familiar sedan came into view. I slid in the car and put my bag at my feet, undoing my tie. I realized that I didn't exchange numbers, so I won't be able to talk to them tonight. Maybe that was for the best, afraid of what conversations may arise.

"How was school today?" My Mom asked, pulling out of the school lot.

Don't even get me started.

"It was okay. I have really nice teachers but I still miss Utah." I spoke, adjusting the vent in front of me.

"Make any friends?" She asked. Lie.

"Yeah. I made a few." I smiled, a blush slowly creeping onto my face. I hoped my Mom wouldn't see, she would ask questions and freak out if she knew I was starting to hang with the wrong crowd. But instead, she just smiled and turned the radio up. A song by someone who sang too fast was playing, but I drifted off into my own world.


I woke myself up with a moan. I covered my mouth quickly and flew out of bed, opening my door silently and listening for my fathers signature snore. After a few seconds, I heard a loud rumble and instantly relaxed. I closed my door and went back into bed. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and pressed the lock button, the bright screen blinded my eyes. The time flashed across the top, 3:04 AM.

I was confused about what had woken me up, why I was covered in a sheer layer of sweat. I recalled the dream I had just had, but I couldn't recall what had occurred. I stumbled into the bathroom and filled the cup on my counter with water, guzzling it down at once. My throat was like sandpaper, my head was cloudy.

When I returned to my bed, I shuffled through some apps on my phone. No texts, no Instagram DM's and no Snapchat's. I was beginning to lose hope, would my friends ever reply to me? Instead of making myself sick with worry, I shut off my phone and turned over in bed.


This chapter was uploaded sooner than I wanted it to be. I had plans to set specific upload times, but I figured I'd take this update to talk to you guys about something.

I used to not really care about this in the past, but now that my story has grown three times the amount I expected, growing everyday. So, I figured I would take this authors note to inform you guys that:


I warned you guys that chapters beyond the ones I have revised are terribly written. But, I've started to get some hurtful comments for some of the things I wrote. (in middle school) I was 13, these are the works of a tween, who thought of unrealistic actions and really just didn't know how to write.

From now on, any heated or negative comments will be deleted. If I continue to receive hurtful comments, I will stop reading them. Which also means I will not interact with my audience the way I promised myself I would. That's my favorite thing to do, is read your comments and reply to them.

On another note, I want to thank you all one more time, for the support. But, if you want to support me more, please vote my story, add it to a playlist and maybe even follow me here.

So much love, as always

Trouble | Harry Styles (REVISING)Where stories live. Discover now