The Answer

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It was the the middle of the night. Steven was asleep in the barn waiting for the next morning because it was his birthday. Garnet looked over him and he woke up.

“Steven!” She exclaimed, with out her visor off, looking at Steven with all three of her eyes

Steven gasped. “Garnet! Is it morning already?” he asked her

“It’s midnight. Happy Birthday Steven” She responded

“Oh man” He said, place both his hands on Garnets cheeks “Are you finally going to tell me that your a fusion of the gems Ruby and Sapphire like you promised?” He asked.

“You already know about all of that Steven”

“It’s true” Steven sunk back down.

“But what you don’t know is how Ruby and Sapphire first met”

Steven shot back up, again placing his hands on her cheeks. “O-M-G! I don’t”

Garnet laughed and began explaining
The Earth 5,750 years ago. It was the promising sight of a new gem colony. But, progress was being thwarted by a small persistent group of rebels. A team of diplomatic gems were sent from Homeworld to investigate. Among those gems, was Sapphire, A rare aristocratic Homeworld Gem with the power to see into the future Assigned to her were 3 Rubies. Common soldiers, with the mission to protect her.

Sapphire and her 3 Ruby guards, began walking through the sky arena, the guards walking in front of her. One Ruby, whose gem was on her right shoulder, walked up to another with a gem on the back of her right hand.

“Hey, Can’t wait for those rebels to get here” She told the other Ruby

“Yeah, when I see those rebels, I’m gonna punch them right in there faces” The other one explained.

“What are you saying? I’m gonna punch them all over their bodies, and then, it’s gonna be over”

“What if, I just punch you!” She exclaimed, punching the other Ruby in the back.

“Oh, come on. We’ll punch them together when we fuse. That’s why the sent, uh, three of us” Ruby Explained.

“Three this” the Ruby with her gem on her should punched Ruby in the face, causing her to stumble back onto Sapphire. This caused nearby gems to gasp and look in their direction.

“Oh! I- um- I’m so sorry- I- let me- u-uh” Ruby attempted to apologize, reaching her hand toward Sapphires arm.

“I’m fine” Sapphire said, causing Ruby to retract her hand.

“What?” She asked

“It’s okay, it was bound to happen.”

“I-I… oh… okay”

“Now please wait here, I must attend to my duties” Sapphire instructed the Rubies



“Yes” They each stood straight up, allowing Sapphire to move forward. Ruby watched Sapphires every movement.

Sapphire had been called to Earth by Blue Diamond. Specifically to share her vision of the future.

Sapphire walked between to guards toward a blue palanquin, surround by a light blue curtain like sheet. She pulled them back and walked through.

“My Diamond, I have arrived” She said to Blue Diamond

Blue Diamond Spoke “Sapphire, tell me what will happen here.”

“I forsee the Rebels attacking the cloud arena. Before they are cornered, they will destroy the physical forms of seven gems, including two of my Ruby guards, and myself. Immediately after my form is destroyed, the Rebels will be captured. The rebellion ends here” Sapphire explained

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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