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Steven's eyes shot open at the sound of singing. He gasped and sat up, feeling a pain around his right eye. "Amethyst? Pearl?" He called out as he looked around. He was in a small cell-like room. He suddenly remembered Garnet's gemstones clattering on the ground.

"Garnet," He gasped then stood up. "Where are they?" He began running forward and immediately skid to a stop at the sight of a clear yellow wall in front of him. "Whoa" he exclaimed.

On the other side of the wall was a hallway. In that hallway were many other cells like the one Steven was in. A few of which were blocked off by clear yellow barriers which served as a door. Above each cell was a yellow pipe that looked like it fueled each door. A long yellow pipe ran through the ceiling connecting the smaller pipe to it.

Steven decided to touch the barrier to see what would happen. He pressed each of his fingers on the barrier. The barrier responded with a shock. Steven retracted his hands. He then covered his eyes with his left hand and touched the barrier with his right index finger. It slipped right through. He looked at his hand as he stuck it farther through the barrier. The barrier had caused his veins to illuminate.

"Ew." He said looking at the underside of his arm "Cool" He pushed himself through the barrier, which he struggled doing. Once he made it to the other side, he shuttred. "I'm out. Woo-Hoo!" He cheered to himself. "Okay. Where is everybody." He ran to the right. "Gotta find them, gotta find them, gotta find--" he cut himself off once he noticed someone huddled in a corner. The small red gem had her face buried in her hands as if she was crying. "Um, hello? Are you okay?"

She jumped in shock and looked up at Steven. She stared at Steven, catching her breath. She growled in anger and punched the wall behind her, knocking Steven off his feet. "Great! This is just perfect" she shouted, placing her hands on her head.

"Uh... Do you need any help? Steven asked

"No" she responded "I mean don't look at me! Just... go away" she curled up in a ball and laid on the floor. Shocked, Steven back away a couple of steps. As he started to walk away, she noticed something "Hey wait, you're out. How did you get passed the field?"

"Oh. I just kinda--" Steven started, reaching for the barrier she was standing behind.

"Wait. No no no no wait." She warned, Steven stuck his hand the the barrier. "It's okay?" As Steven retracted his hand, she stuck out her hand to touch the barrier. She got shocked and flailed her hand in pain and looked back at Steven. "What's going on?" She asked.

The singing that woke Steven up continued. Both Steven and the other gem looked around. "Somebody's singing" Steven pointed out

"Sapphire" She whispered under her breath. "Let me out of here!" She raised her voice, which got Stevens attention. "Please! I need to find Sapphire!"

"Is she your friend? I'm looking for my friends too" Steven responded.

"She's all alone, I need to find her!"

"Don't worry, we'll find our friends" Steven said, holding his arm through the barrier, leaving an open area underneath his arm. "A-and we'll do it toge-ether" his voice slightly shaky. She slid through the opening and ran off to the left. "Wait for me!" Steven followed after her.

"Hey my name is Steven by the way. What's yours?" He asked.

"Quiet! Ugh! I can't see..." She looked left then right. "This way" She ran to the right.

Following after her, Steven asked "How more many gems are trapped here?"

"Don't know, don't care" They stopped in front of a window "She stopped singing" Steven looked out the window and saw the Earth. "Sapphire!" she called. She ran off and Steven quickly followed after her. She gasped at the sight of a blue gem "Oh, it's just you." She said angrily.

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