Jungkook brought out his gun and shot a warning bullet into the ceiling, standing infront of me as the others guarded Jimin.

"My, my!" Someone shouted amusedly, "baby Gguk can shoot a gun!"

Jungkook sighed, visibly cringing at the name.

Slightly frightened, I brought my arms around his waist. He rested his hand over mine, holding it to his stomach as the other hand pointed a gun at the man enveloped in shadows. Both of us disregarded the tiny argument prior to the mystery man's entrance.

"Shame you can't, isn't it?" Jungkook taunted, his thumb rubbing against my skin.

"I've fucking told you, I can!" He roared.

"You're a fucking psychopath, honestly." Jungkook teased, his tone patronising.

"I'll show you psychopath!"

"You already have."

"Jeon Jeongguk!" He roared, suddenly appearing metres away from Jungkook, who threw his gun instead of shooting it.

It smacked the man straight on the forehead, throwing him to the floor from the impact.

"What the fuck?!" I whisper-shouted, "why didn't you shoot?!"

"Empty. Plus, I can't shoot it with one hand, I'd knock you out." He whispered back up, nudging the guy with his foot.

"Wow, you're a mess." Jungkook whistled, pushing the slumped figure so he laid on his back.


Jungkook gently pressed a kiss to my cheekbones and lips, before pushing me over to Namjoon, who immediately pulled me behind his tall stature.

Jang-ho's head lolled around, his eyes glazed over and dozy.

"You gonna wake up?" Jungkook asked, not waiting for an answer before driving his pointy shined shoe straight into Jang-ho's ribcage.

Hoseok cringed as the crack sounded throughout the room, Jin sticking his tongue out in mock retching.

Yoongi pulled Jimin tighter against his chest, shushing Jimin and cradling his shaking figure.

Ideally, Jimin should've been left at home but Jungkook managed to piss off an entire gang, so we didn't want Jimin at home if the house got raided.

He told me he did nothing.

Nothing was clearly classed as decapitating an enemy and implanting a grenade into the head and proceeding to throw it through a window.

I was disgusted, yet impressed at his creativeness.

"You're a fu-fucking monster." Jang-ho spat, coughing.

Jungkook's eyes narrowed before a lazy smirk made its way onto his face, "course I am."

"Bas-bastard." He growled.

"So, quick questionnaire," Jungkook brushed off Jang-ho's comment, resting his foot on Jang-ho's stomach, "I'm just going to ask you a few questions, then I'll let you go, hm?"


"Perfect." Jungkook glared down at Jang-ho, "did you or did you not kill Kim Jong-dae? He went by Chen."

"I did."


"I'll show you." Jang-ho giggled, the crazed look in his eyes scarily present.

Jungkook hummed, taking his foot off Jang-ho and allowing him to stand.

Jang-ho beckoned for Jungkook to follow him.

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