The memory

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A/N a part of this chapter is a flashback. Flasback - this writing.

14 years ago

"Lime... I get that you're sad... Your best friend.. was captured. I get it. But.. I am here... Jonquil is here. we're here for you." You are trying to calm down your friend, Lime. Their best friend, Olivine, was captured. They had many hysteric attack since then. it was a week ago. It was especially hard for her, because they fused often and alot. The created the gem Sun together. It was snowing heavily. "You don't get it!" she screamed out "get wha-" "You never fused! You never did!!"  "I... I'm sorry. I never met anyone who would fuse with me." There was a moment of silence.. "you can fuse with me.. Lime whispered. "Wha- Lime no! I would fuse with someone that l love..." You soon realized your mistake. "You don 't love me..." "No, NO! I mean that I'll fuse only with my lover.." "I.. I.. Jonquil told me the same thing." ... "she told me she will use only with her lover. I loved.. I loved Olivine. She had feelings for an Emelard.. Emerald!" you felt that something was terribly wrong. "I'm sure she would love you.. if-" "If what!?!?" Lime's hands started to get bigger. Sharp nails flew out of her fingers. She's... Corrupting!? You jumped away from her. " listen Lime, you're perfect! We'll get trough this!!" "...Then why are you running away from me?" Her voice was filled with hatred. Before you could say anything, she corrupted. You quickly summoned your weapon, a small, but poisonus  sword. You reacted quickly - You stabbed her and she poofed. You bubbled the gem and sended it away. And then, you broke down.

*end of flashback*

You fell to the ground and you picked up the gem shards. Then you started to glitch?? you looked down at your belly button.. And gasped. One piece of your gem was missing. It was a tiny piece, and one of Jonquils shards fitted perfectly in there. Then you felt a sharp, sudden pain on your back- And a pair of wings slowly morfed out. You screeched in pain... This couldn't be growing... Were you.. corrupted?? Tears fell out of your eyes as you did a thing that a normal gem would never do.. But it was your last chance. You took jonquils shard.. And you placed it in your gem. Your gem started to glow.. I can't be.. It.. It was fixed! you felt that the pain stopped... You stopped corrupting?? And.. you had wings now?!?

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