Chapter 20:This World Makes Everything Okay

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Eli turned around to see Elijah Jr. standing there confused with his big blue-green eyes staring at Eli.

Eli looked down at his son with watery eyes as his hands began to shake violenty and sighed heavily as he ran his hands through his hair in fear.

He looked up to see Clare staring at him. Clare gasped and quickly covered Elijah jr's eyes .

Allie was behind Clare and gulped slowly taking Elijah Jr from her hands and made her way back downstairs.

Clare walked slowly into the room and sat down beside Eli taking his shaking hand and turning him towards her. "I killed her Clare"Eli stammered nervously.

"What have I done,I am a murderer"Eli whispered the last part as a tear slid down his cheek. Clare slid her hand into his hair. "No you were an angry father and husband protecting his family"Clare cooed in his ear as he sobbed into her chest.

Out of nowhere there was a puff of smoke and Jt an Julia appeared infront of them with sad faces. Eli leaned up and so did Clare as they all stared at each other.

"It wasn't your fault Eli"Julia confirms as J.T nods in agreement.

"You were protecting your family"J.T responds as he looks down at Imogen. "The cops should be here any minute an well explain everything together"Clare says looking at Eli as he nods.

"No need"J.T says as Eli and Clare look at him confused. Julia and J.T snap there fingers and disappear.

"WAIT!"They both yell confused before both of them vanish themselves. Clare wakes up groggily and sits up slowly to see Eli sleeping form next to her as she stares at him confused.

"This all couldnt of been a dream"Clare whispered running her hands through her hair. "It wasn't"A voice whispered that made me jump half-way in the air. I looked up to see Julia staring at me.

"So what happend?"I ask cautiously sitting up against the headboard.

"Everyone downstairs in that house explained what happend to the cops and Eli shooting Imogen was found in self-defense. There was no harm to Elijah Jr,he's upstairs sleeping"Julia explained as she came to sit on the bed infront of me.

"Imogen didn't have to die,I feel bad."I explained sighing. "How do you think Eli feels? He may be morbid but killing someone is out of his leauge and his heart. The only thing you can do Clare is be there for him"She replys as I nod.

She smile's faintly and stands up as J.T appears beside her smiling as he kiss's her forehead and I smile at there affection for each other.

J.T hugs me and kiss's my cheek.

"What does any of this mean? Since everything seems fine now?"Clare ask with a faint smile. "This means good-bye Clare"Julia replys while her eye's water. Clare swallows weakly. "Will I ever see you two again?"Clare ask,They both look at each other.

"When the time is right"J.T responds as they both way before slowly vanishing. "Clare?"She hears a voice ask beside her ask as she looks at Eli.

"Hmn?"she asks as she looks at Eli wrapping his arms around her and rubbing her belly bump.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? You look like your crying?"Eli ask's as they both lay back down.

"Yea Eli I'm Fine,Just pregnancy harmones"Clare responds laying down on his chest and drifting off to sleep.

*1 Year Later*

Clare giggled as her 5 month old daughter smiled while playing with her toys in her play pen.

Elijah jr. Was playing with her as an over protective big brother.

Eli was in the kitchen cooking dinner since Clare was exhausted. He smiled at his family as they all played with each other.

"They really are a sight aren't they?"Someone asked making Eli turn around and almost hit the person to see J.T laughing as Eli glared at him.

"Always scaring the crap out of innocent people"Eli replied smirking trying not to laugh.

"But yes there all beautiful"Eli continued staring at his family.

"Where have you been?"Eli asked turning to face him.

"Traveling the world"J.T replies sitting on a chair. "Where's J-Eli's cut off as Julia appears in the kitchen smiling.

"Heyyyy Eliiii"Julie chirps happily givign him a hug then kissing J.T before going into the living room to hug Clare.

"What did you do to her?"Eli jokes shaking his head at a happy-go-lucky Julia talking to Clare,happy to see both girls happy to see each other.

"Just making sure she's happy is all. It's my job"J.T replys. "An Beside's I know your not talking,I know Clare's Happy. Since you got her pregnant again"J.T continues laughing as Eli rolls his eyes.

Clare and Julia walk into the kitchen to stand near there men. "Well what are you guys talking about"Julia ask smiling,laying on J.T.

"Were talking about how Eli is gay actually he just came out the closet clear. I'm sorry I knew it was coming"J.T replied laughing.

Julia shook her head along with Clare.

"Trust me,Eli is nowhere near  gay"Clare defended kissing his cheek as he smirked.

"Well I'm gonna go check on our god kids. You coming Julia"J.T asked as she grabbed his hand and went into the parlour.

Clare laughed shaking her head. "We'll we sure did good with those children,didn't we Eli"Clare asked smiling as she leaned on his arm.

"We sure did blue eyes,even though they both seem rebelious"Eli replied kissing her cheek.

"HEY!"they heard Julia and J.T shout from the living room. "We heard that!"They said as Eli and Clare laughed again before kissing each other.

"An people said we weren't a fairy-tale"Eli says smirking,I smirk back deviously.

"Were not a fairy-tale,were real Eli"Clare replied winking as she let out alittle laugh.

This is the last chapter but I will be writing more stories. Sorry if I suck at endings. But let me know plz...:)

"Don't Shatter Us Because Of Stupid Mistake's " (Eli/Clare) FanFicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora